On 26 Oct 2005 00:44:53 -0700, "Dr. Strangemonde"
Post by Dr. StrangemondePost by Æ®ânk pââ¿uCÄIPost by Rev. Richard SkullThere is a nasty rumor around that the RUX IS on the DVD. Just one
needs the "cheat code" to unlock it.
If it was on there, a simple examination of the VOBs on a computer
would detect it. It could be extracted easily with DVD Decryptor. I
haven't looked, but I seem to remember someone posting a few months back
that he had gynecologically probed the DVD and found no RUX.
Yo, Frank -
I'm pretty sure you're talking about the DEVO DVD.
I'm NOT so sure that Rev. Skull wasn't talking about the STANG DVD.
had to be. As many times as Devo's been in lawsuits, I'm sure they'd
rather not risk one from the Hendrix estate.
Post by Dr. StrangemondeSo I postulate that you may be probing for spuds in all the wrong
places (as the song goes).
LOL...I have to laugh...every time I see the word "probe" or any form
of it, all I can think about is anal probes. Like when NASA lauches
outer space probes, I think of how they're going to outer space to
kidnap redneck aliens in their deserted areas and giving them anal
probes in retaliation for all the earthling rednecks who got them from
Wow, those were good pot brownies!
BTW, is it just me, or is that video extremely hokey? Definitely an
80's museum piece with the black kids in MJ red suits and Jheri curls,
and Devo goofing on hippies. Their other videos are pretty timeless,
but that one is definitely a product of the 80's.
Hey Alex, get those three black kids in the Jheri curls and MJ suits
and bring them to the next Devo-tional and I guarantee you a sellout.
They're a much bigger draw than the Through Being Cool kids.