DEVOtional 2008: Pre-order tickets now!
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Reverend Beastly
2008-08-20 20:04:30 UTC

The DEVOtional is just a week and a half away! And you can get your
tickets NOW! Just head on over to the DEVOtional info page and click
the handy PayPal button!

The DEVOtional is going to be super-excellent, with fine performances
by the Mutant Mountain Boys, Malcolm Tent, Poopy Necroponde's Clevo
and a sure-to-be memorable Spudboys show. KRK Ryden will be gracing us
with his presence and artwork.

And not only that, we'll be chatting LIVE with DEVO via a video
linkup, and we'll be the first to hear brand-spanking-new DEVO tracks!
It's not something you'll wanna miss.

Duty now for the DEVOtional!
-Alex Brunelle
commander-in-chief, Booji Boy's Basement
Rev. Richard Skull
2008-08-20 22:40:01 UTC
Post by Reverend Beastly
The DEVOtional is just a week and a half away! And you can get your
tickets NOW! Just head on over to the DEVOtional info page and click
the handy PayPal button!
The DEVOtional is going to be super-excellent, with fine performances
by the Mutant Mountain Boys, Malcolm Tent, Poopy Necroponde's Clevo
and a sure-to-be memorable Spudboys show. KRK Ryden will be gracing us
with his presence and artwork.
And not only that, we'll be chatting LIVE with DEVO via a video
linkup, and we'll be the first to hear brand-spanking-new DEVO tracks!
It's not something you'll wanna miss.
Duty now for the DEVOtional!
-Alex Brunelle
commander-in-chief, Booji Boy's Basementhttp://www.boojiboysbasement.com/devotional2008.html
Ever think about combining the DEVO-tional with the Church of the
Subgenius' X-Day? Now THAT would be a party!
2008-08-21 10:53:09 UTC
In article
Post by Reverend Beastly
The DEVOtional is just a week and a half away! And you can get your
tickets NOW! Just head on over to the DEVOtional info page and click
the handy PayPal button!
The DEVOtional is going to be super-excellent, with fine performances
by the Mutant Mountain Boys, Malcolm Tent, Poopy Necroponde's Clevo
and a sure-to-be memorable Spudboys show. KRK Ryden will be gracing us
with his presence and artwork.
And not only that, we'll be chatting LIVE with DEVO via a video
linkup, and we'll be the first to hear brand-spanking-new DEVO tracks!
It's not something you'll wanna miss.
Duty now for the DEVOtional!
-Alex Brunelle
commander-in-chief, Booji Boy's Basement
I've never been to a DEVOtional, and yet AGAIN, it's not in the cards
for me, as I can't afford to fly out, both money-wise and time-wise.
Blah. It's bumming me out. Everybody who is going, make sure you have
a good time for yourself, and also an extra bit of good time for me! I
look forward to everyone's post-fest reports...

- JonYo
Pink Pussycat
2008-08-21 15:54:15 UTC
Post by JonYo
I've never been to a DEVOtional, and yet AGAIN, it's not in the cards
for me, as I can't afford to fly out, both money-wise and time-wise.
Blah. It's bumming me out. Everybody who is going, make sure you have
a good time for yourself, and also an extra bit of good time for me! I
look forward to everyone's post-fest reports...
- JonYo
Seconded. I'll be at a martial arts tournament that day.
All I'm doing is competing in forms, so it should be fun. :)

"The enemy is at the gate. And the enemy is the human mind
itself - or lack of it - on this planet." - General Boy

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