Rev. Richard Skull
2008-02-01 21:08:57 UTC
Americans! We are supposed to be the "Rugged Individualists" who don't
take crap off anyone. Except of course, other Americans!
We are forced to suffer indignities like Pee-tests, outrageous
searches at airports, long lines at Banks, poor service every wheres
we go, and we just sit there and take it!
Your Flight is cancelled, you are mad as hell, what do you do? You
just sit down and pout, or send a mean E-mail to the Airline or the
Last month, a flight in Argentina was cancelled, the passengers rioted
and trashed the terminal!
Next time you suffer some poor service from and airline, restaurant,
or Prostitute, just raise hell! Start a frigging riot and really let
them know how you feel!
Its the same with out politicians! In some nations, the President
can't show his face because he/she will be dragged off and strung up
from the nearest tree!
Not here! Here the politicians treat us like serfs! They "rule" us! Or
so they say.
But the word Democracy is Greek for "People rule)
Which means these assholes work for us! Not the other way around!
So if Cheney, Bush, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, etc screwed up in Iraq, its
our Right, Neigh! Our DUTY to kick them in the crotch so hard their
testicles fly out their ears!
Consider it their annual "Performance Review."
We should be reading their e-mails, tapping their phone lines, putting
them on "secret lists", not the other way around!
I say we take a lesson from the Argentines and British Soccer
Hooligans and tear up a few airport terminals, Pubs and Italian Soccer
fans! Its the only way "some" people can get it through their thick
heads that we are tired of this crap!
take crap off anyone. Except of course, other Americans!
We are forced to suffer indignities like Pee-tests, outrageous
searches at airports, long lines at Banks, poor service every wheres
we go, and we just sit there and take it!
Your Flight is cancelled, you are mad as hell, what do you do? You
just sit down and pout, or send a mean E-mail to the Airline or the
Last month, a flight in Argentina was cancelled, the passengers rioted
and trashed the terminal!
Next time you suffer some poor service from and airline, restaurant,
or Prostitute, just raise hell! Start a frigging riot and really let
them know how you feel!
Its the same with out politicians! In some nations, the President
can't show his face because he/she will be dragged off and strung up
from the nearest tree!
Not here! Here the politicians treat us like serfs! They "rule" us! Or
so they say.
But the word Democracy is Greek for "People rule)
Which means these assholes work for us! Not the other way around!
So if Cheney, Bush, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, etc screwed up in Iraq, its
our Right, Neigh! Our DUTY to kick them in the crotch so hard their
testicles fly out their ears!
Consider it their annual "Performance Review."
We should be reading their e-mails, tapping their phone lines, putting
them on "secret lists", not the other way around!
I say we take a lesson from the Argentines and British Soccer
Hooligans and tear up a few airport terminals, Pubs and Italian Soccer
fans! Its the only way "some" people can get it through their thick
heads that we are tired of this crap!