Post by j tPost by Pea HicksPost by Ian PettsPost by Trial and ErrorThats what I thought too but I seem to remember having read somewhere that
its actually "Bang your head"........shame or frustration ?
It might be my imagination, but there might even be two [slightly]
different samples in there.
i have an old issue of a music tech magazine with an interview with mark
about the total devo album, and he says these are samples of
cheerleaders that he made himself in the field... can't remember if he
said whether or not they're "saying" anything in particular, but when i
get a chance i'll look it up...
I read that mag too.
They made a recording of cheerleaders doing their cheers, and then took
all of the syllables and mixed them up to make gibberish.
It does sound like 'hang your head' or 'bang your head', but that's
just coincidence.
They're spelling the name of their school, but with the letters all
mixed up and unintelligible!
Any KMFDM fans here? In several KMFDM songs like Drug Against War and
Wrath they use a very very similar kind of sound/effect/idea, where it
sounds like a huge hall full of people singing certain parts, but
they're doing it way too perfectly in time and on pitch with each other
for it to be an *actual* recording of a huge group of people. It sounds
very similar to that bit in Some Things Never Change. I've always
wondered how KMFDM and Devo get that effect, mostly because...well, I
kinda want to rip it off and use it in some of my own music! I suspect
it's some kind of massive chrorus or some such time-based effect with
many copies of the same vocal bit duplicated with small changes in
timing and pitch applied to each copy. Anyone fellow tech heads have
any insight? I would like to have a nice "yelling mob chorus emsemble"
effect in my arsenal.
Although ever changing,
Favorite KMFDM song of the moment: a tie between Megalomaniac and D.I.Y.
Favorite Devo song of the moment: That's Good (live version from recent
tours with long intro)
Non siamo uomini? Siamo Devo!
- JonYo!