Only in America!
(too old to reply)
Rev. Richard Skull
2005-06-07 22:37:14 UTC
Despite the fact that my employer is barly keeping their heads a bove
water, and the fact that many employees, to include me, are on
"part-time, as needed" work schedules, it is only right that they spend
$50 a head sending most of the office to an all day Motivational
Seminar at the old Philly Spectrum.

Yes thye got to hear from Gen. Franks, fomer mayer Gullianni (his topic
must have been on shooting unarmed darkies in their doorways 40+
times). Jerry Lewis, Eagle Football Coach, and THE Motivational
Speakers of all Motivational speakers: Zig Zigler!

Now this got me thinking. It you have to pay $50 (advance purchase, at
the door, $225) to "get motivated" you have no fucking Business being
in business!

Stang & "Bob" are in the wrong line of work. We need to start a
Subgenius de-motivational speaking tour!

Legume, Rocknar, Nickie Deathchick, me can all stand up in front of
these stupid gits and tell them "thanks for the money, suckers!"
König Prüße, GfbAEV
2005-06-07 23:14:55 UTC
Post by Rev. Richard Skull
Despite the fact that my employer is barly keeping their heads a bove
water, and the fact that many employees, to include me, are on
"part-time, as needed" work schedules, it is only right that they spend
$50 a head sending most of the office to an all day Motivational
Seminar at the old Philly Spectrum.
Yes thye got to hear from Gen. Franks, fomer mayer Gullianni (his topic
must have been on shooting unarmed darkies in their doorways 40+
times). Jerry Lewis, Eagle Football Coach, and THE Motivational
Speakers of all Motivational speakers: Zig Zigler!
Now this got me thinking. It you have to pay $50 (advance purchase, at
the door, $225) to "get motivated" you have no fucking Business being
in business!
Stang & "Bob" are in the wrong line of work. We need to start a
Subgenius de-motivational speaking tour!
Legume, Rocknar, Nickie Deathchick, me can all stand up in front of
these stupid gits and tell them "thanks for the money, suckers!"
They're already doing that!
Get motivated! Have an employee buyout!
Unclaimed Mysteries
2005-06-08 00:31:59 UTC
Rev. Richard Skull wrote in part:

Jerry Lewis, Eagle Football Coach, and THE Motivational
Post by Rev. Richard Skull
Speakers of all Motivational speakers: Zig Zigler!
It Came From C. L. Smith's Unclaimed Mysteries.

Of course I went to law school. - Warren Zevon, "Mr. Bad Example"
Rich Clark aka Left Rev Egg Plant
2005-06-08 12:50:17 UTC
Post by Rev. Richard Skull
Jerry Lewis, Eagle Football Coach, and THE Motivational
Post by Rev. Richard Skull
Speakers of all Motivational speakers: Zig Zigler!
Rev. Lee Austin
2005-06-08 00:48:21 UTC
Post by Rev. Richard Skull
Stang & "Bob" are in the wrong line of work. We need to start a
Subgenius de-motivational speaking tour!
I do this every night when I get home. My roomates love me!
Rev. Lee Austin
Church of the Subgenius
polar bear
2005-06-08 07:54:03 UTC
Post by Rev. Richard Skull
Despite the fact that my employer is barly keeping their heads a bove
water, and the fact that many employees, to include me, are on
"part-time, as needed" work schedules, it is only right that they spend
$50 a head sending most of the office to an all day Motivational
Seminar at the old Philly Spectrum.
Yes thye got to hear from Gen. Franks, fomer mayer Gullianni (his topic
must have been on shooting unarmed darkies in their doorways 40+
times). Jerry Lewis, Eagle Football Coach, and THE Motivational
Speakers of all Motivational speakers: Zig Zigler!
What? No Tony Robbins? Man, you wuz robbed.

Dr. Zontar
2005-06-08 12:25:01 UTC
Jerry Lewis??? Man, I'd go, just to beg him to release "The Day The
Clown Cried"...

BTW, Rev., does this mean you live in Philly? I'll have to look you up
the next time I'm there (my wife's family is in Upper Darby).

- Rich
Rev. Richard Skull
2005-06-08 22:27:53 UTC
<<Jerry Lewis??? Man, I'd go, just to beg him to release "The Day The
Clown Cried"...

BTW, Rev., does this mean you live in Philly? I'll have to look you up
the next time I'm there (my wife's family is in Upper Darby). >>

No, I'm in Delaware.

2005-06-08 13:18:06 UTC
Haha, I had to voice a commercial for the same seminar when it came to Clevo
Slightly different set of speakers, though.

Your employer should have gotten in on the presale,
they could have taken the whole office for $19

2005-06-08 14:19:32 UTC
Me, Legume, Rocknar....interesting choices.

König Prüße, GfbAEV
2005-06-08 14:38:44 UTC
Post by RevNickie
Me, Legume, Rocknar...
...and a great video!
ƒ®@nK panű©©I
2005-06-08 18:25:43 UTC
Yes they got to hear from Gen. Franks, fomer mayer Gullianni (his topic
must have been on shooting unarmed darkies in their doorways 40+
times). Jerry Lewis, Eagle Football Coach, and THE Motivational
Speakers of all Motivational speakers: Zig Zigler!
Sounds like utter hell. I suppose there would be some curiosity value
in seeing Jerry Lewis's giant inflateable head, and seeing Zig Zigler,
who is excellent at delivering his useless cornball horseshit. It's
interesting that he switches his christianity on and off depending on
the venue, for he has another career as a religious speaker.

About twenty years ago I made a tape collage - on ACTUAL TAPE - of
Ziglar so that it sounded as if he was saying weird stuff he didn't say.
"Wheeeee, Calvin Klein hurtin' hatin' resale value". I never posted
it anywhere because it ain't funny or nothin'. Also, I can't find the
