DEVO - House of Blues Anaheim, CA Aug 4th.
(too old to reply)
2005-03-24 18:38:04 UTC
Tix went on sale this morning at 10:00 a.m. Pacific Time.

Standing Room only. Got my tix, be there or not.

2005-03-25 11:12:37 UTC
no love for the east coast?
Post by LouiSurfer
Tix went on sale this morning at 10:00 a.m. Pacific Time.
Standing Room only. Got my tix, be there or not.
Rev. Richard Skull
2005-03-25 19:17:30 UTC
<<Tix went on sale this morning at 10:00 a.m. Pacific Time.

Standing Room only. Got my tix, be there or not. >>

Damn you! At least I can brag I saw DEVO in their prime back in 1981.

Yes you can go to the "House of Blues", but me & DEVO will always have
2005-03-26 19:03:30 UTC
Post by Rev. Richard Skull
<<Tix went on sale this morning at 10:00 a.m. Pacific Time.
Standing Room only. Got my tix, be there or not. >>
Damn you! At least I can brag I saw DEVO in their prime back in 1981.
Yes you can go to the "House of Blues", but me & DEVO will always have
I saw them back in 1978 in Edinburgh Scotland I think that was prime time,
wasn't it? maybe not ah who cares as long as you see/seen them

2005-03-28 08:48:32 UTC
patience. At a time when she was striving in vain to
get down a little of something liquid, and was very much spent with it;
she looked upon her sister with a smile, saying, O sister, this is for
my good! At another time, when her sister was speaking of what she
underwent, she told her, that she lived a heaven upon ea

th for all that. She used sometimes to say to her sister, under her
extreme sufferings, It is good to be so! Her sister once asked her, why
she said so; why, says she, because God would have it so: it is best
that things should be as God would have them: it looks best to me. After
her confinement, as they were leading her from the bed to the door, she
seemed overcome by the sight of things abroad, as showing forth the
glory of the Being who had made them. As she lay on her death-bed, she
would often say these words, God is my friend! And once, looking upon
her sister with a smile, said, O sister, How good it is! How sweet and
comfortable it is to consider, and think of heavenly things! and used
this argument to persuade her sister to be much in such meditations.

She expressed, on her death-bed, an exceeding longing, both for

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