droptesting cats(the other white meat)
(too old to reply)
the land surfer
2006-09-01 10:07:15 UTC
droptesting cats(the other white meat)

here kittie kittie kittie


he dropped th big black bastard
digger by name

from th landing
it landed in th couch

hopped down to th floor
and climbed up th stairs to go once more

strange cat


only two cats were harmed in th making
of this psychic underground blog


i had to piss on one

he did say to put it out

i thought it was on fire

"a natural mistake to make"


we've all drop tested cats

held em upside down and

let em fall to th floor

lets see ya land
right way up and

on yr feet this time

black mungrel


ready mr music


if ya cant hear it
it's cause this is text dickhead


ah notepad


so after i pulled my dick out of

kylie minogue

just testing

wonderful thing text


"i ran to th pub and told nobody"


and wot did nobody say ?
"he said dont tell anybody"


good thing it's ficticious then


"long as ya dont say she's delicious"


ok paulie
i know she's a blonde


"i'm not sayin blondes taste bad jen just"
"they're so fuckin common"

"ya meet more crook ones"

phil collins
'in the air tonight'

yeah ok windows
it is friday but

we aint goin out to entertain tonight


least as far as i know

wot we up to tonight paulo ?


"fucked if i know"


i got a lame excuse

we're movin th backyard shed in th morning

the fortitude valley can do without th wizard


i will have to
go surfin on my unicycle this arv at some stage though

'big time sensuality'

yeah ok windows
a coupel pretty girls will most likely
smiel at me

so fuckin what



wow man

cat fight goin on outside

little brother just shot out th front door

it's that other black fuckin cat

from down th road


dont normally have catfights at 2 pm

here in th cul de sac


he's not normally home at this time on friday either

still rainin


i'd droptest you ya cunt

he shoulda caught ya instead of
screamin at ya to fuck off


i should perhaps explain

dear and gentle reader

that i'm on a

south seas
sub tropical

in th southern hemisphere

australia by name


oh and

if yr alive when ya read this
and i'm dead

go and get fucked


i feel better now


"always talkin to th future hey"
anybody that reads somethin i've written

is in th future


led zeppelin
'ramble on'


th big question of th day is

which dealers house of mine

do i wanna spend th
friday arv pissup and
buyin drugs party at

it's fuckin hard man

arlo guthrie
'chilling of the evening'

at dusk hey


i'm hopin

that they got that engine runnin in that beast

so i can do some broadslides on th unicycle
down th dirt hill

looks like i;ve chosen


got a thing about takin out
pommie cars

while slidin unicycles


we're waitin on a call

to see if little brothers range rover

is ready to be picked up


i'll get stuck with th land rover though

and with my luck

it'll be peak hour traffic

"and ya can look down all those"
"first day of spring tops"


'feels good inc'

yeah paulo but
is it as good as em

blowin kisses at me

when i'm singin in th valley of guts

"i thought ya stopped"

its been two months


i can still hear


askin me where my other wheel is

i think i can hold off
trekkin into th big city
at night

on my mountain unicycle

a bit longer

black eyed peas
'my humps'

th public can drive ya nuts


"where's yr other wheel ?"

up th arse of th last fuckwit who asked

"u arent ready to go back to th streets"



do i look like i fuckin need it


when four out five ppl who ask

where's your other wheel ?

get told to go and get fucked

th wise street entertainer

takes his unicycle

down country lanes for a while


at least th skatebowls

th wall

will be nice and clean for my uni

when th rain stops

the red hot chilli peppers
'track no15'

oh i'd do you - lyric


oh it's fortune faded


drop like an elevator hey

not really windows

th unicycle goes over th edge



it kinda does

th edge is so slippery
th unicycle tyre cant grip
goin over th




till th tyre hits th wall

hopefully with th right

angle of attack

a controllable slide at best

and watch otu for th overrun if ya

make yr attack angle too steep

'Kings Of Convenience - I Don't Know What I Can Save You From'(REMIX)

go over too steep and
nothing can save you

overclocked flywheel

goin faster than yr legs can

lift off



faceplant territory


falls goin up th wall however

are way more fun


you can do dumb things

shit ya know

aint gunna work

and just step off


last week at th redcliffe bowl i

hit th curve wrong

goin up th wall


way too much speed

but got over anyway


only a litle bit of air

compared to th girls bikes

not my fault ya ride a safety bicycle

but a little bit of air

that feels so fuckin good


and th fuckwits at th bowl

kept their mouths

fairly well shut

not one asked me for a backflip

sometimes i fuckin hate humanity


not as much as when i'm

surfin on a unicycle
in a foot of white water

in th surf and

the black eyed peas

some fuckwit decides i'm a clown and
runs out and crash tackles me


"or a blonde standin in th best wave and holdin a camera"

"goin can i get a photo with you ?"

yeah ok paulo


was carryin a
non waterproof mp3 player last time

and we are not amused ok

but i didnt kill it


my twin brother paulo woulda

had a good go and killin th prick

if it did get splashed

know wot i mean


"as i recall"
"three guys stopped me chasin him down"
"and bashin his head in"

"he ran away"



dont knock th wizard over in th surf

just because u can


it's th first day of spring

a man's thoughts turn to

unicycle surfing


"thought u were my female personality"

i still have to deal with blisters on my testicles paulo


city high
'city high anthem'

sorry brisvegas

my twin brother paulo wont

come and put smiles on dials in th big city

for th first day of spring

he dont think

his car breakin down in his driveway

99% of th time

instead of th middle of nowhere

is incentive enough


i think th fuckin price of fuel is just too high and

we're on a pension


my fans love me so much that i
drive a five hundred dollar car

actually that isnt fair
i never did it for money

i do miss singin on
strete corners with

five or so of my muso mates

kylie minogue
'still standing'

prefer to sit

singin on strete corners

usually done twenty or so kilomtres on a unicycle before

i stop with my first busker mate


always amuses me

when i've been away from th street a couple of months and

i get hit up

where th fuck have ya been man ?

ah just

payin car rego and

i live outside th big city

"puttin smiles on dials doesnt pay"

'Love in Motion' (with Chrissie Amphlett)

give you my heart and soul - lyric


only for six yrs though


when th news
that th unicycle man of byron bay

had comitted suicide
filtered thru th street and

found me
i had to sit down and ask myself



i've been the unicycle man of more places than i can count

some places ya can

drop back in after two yrs away from their street and

some bugger will go oh hi man

do you remember when we...


kuta lady

introduced to me to a nice
sweet young thing last week

she met me in 2001
in th botanic gardens

do i remember you ?

ah fuck


countless thousands

just liek you and

just as pretty

'black magic woman'

i got magic but

even my diary only has
bout one percent of th ppl i met


smokin drugs and
drinkin alcohol

in a park with some

late teenage wild things

then remount th unicycle and

peel thru th flower beds


i'm sorry i dont remember you

but thank you for remembering me

i guess i stuck out


and cause i'd
just come from a skatebowl

i told ya how i figured out how to keep th
little mungrels happy

half drunk and

a huge pile of stacks goin up th wall

no stacks goin down

they forgive that
hey i'm a master

it stopped th jaded little buggers
askin for somethin resembling a trick

kylie minogue
'sweet music'

they weren;t puton crashes exactly kylie

i just

overcooked th entry a few times

easier to have a real crash than a fake one


to cum down th wall any steeper

i'd have to go back to fittin brakes

dont liek brakes on a unicycle

generally only effective over twenty k's an hour
and even then


i know i gotta pull th

suspension unicycle prototype outta th shed tomorrow

"big arse bitch"

we found us a fabricator dear

we'll make ya skinnier and

a smaller bum and

out of alloy to start with

steel at th moment

maybe i can get paulo to go learn about carbon fibre


fuck he welds good


souped up
motorized skateboard

with a locker diff

the panel
'opening theme'

mad cunts are us


its a sad fact of life but

one of th nicest

complimetns in

australian suburbia


yr a mad cunt


never have a slidin competition
between a unicycle and a motorized skateboard

<<<smiel >>>

he lost


we judged it on crowd squeels


i was thinkin on
unicycle racin rules

equal with first over th line

first prize is

most spectacular crash

oh and umm

coolest save



hittin th post hard and

not catching th out of control flywheel

till seven pedals after th impact

slow mo back to

three rotations of th wheel where th rider

sorry pilot

was only in contact with th wheel

by one foot on one pedal

the black eyed peas

i flogged th last unicycle

who tried to follow me thru th posts

he hasnt

been out in th street six yrs

and cant jump gutters


one day though

i'll peel thru th posts and

he'll go past me


i can jump gutters

i cant jump puddles

always seem to land in th middle of em

th clown in me

tv rock
'flaunt it'

wot i cant jump

is money

fifteen bucks to get to town and back

to go and play



but its only been two months

since i last

hit th big city and

didnt find a fuckin thing i couldnt ride over


coupel of weeks back

i wandered intot h dustbowl

behind wright park and

found that

unicycles and hidden tree roots in th dust

can be interesting


gotta have internal radar to see
th tree roots

layin under th dust


that's all gone now

a clay pan up there now probly

i'll try to pick my time
to go visit again and

hit it while it still has puddles

but not so greasy i cant get between em


th bump outside th

high school

on th big road

got me yesterday

full of water and mud

its internal dimensions have changed

other bikes have been thru it

i came down

nuthin savage but

man that wheel stopped fast

'i still havent found what i'm lookin for'

<<<smile >>>

cant see everythin comin

i see enough


lighter's run out

time to hit th frog and toad

back soon


led zeppelin
'gallows pole'

been to see my dealer


his dog is healin nicely

beggin me for pats


wish yr girlfriend didnt look like

dorothy from th wizard of oz

lizas mum


i take that back


th boys were talkin cars
we got th giggles


and yeah
did we sink much rum and bourbon and

we thank it


different grower this week and

my last stash was from kuta lady


gettin some variety in th dope at last


well it ias girls bike
by definition

worse its got

four wheels

"had training wheels"

bad as a car

and they're girls bikes too

<<< smile >>>


fuck he looks after me

huge stick


"good size drug consignment"


'fucking in the bushes'

just talkin about sum
dried flowers

green ones
smoke nice anyway

smooth with a capital oooooo


he'll grow out of it dear


wont be car mad forever


at 44

i'm still droppin into skatebowls

on a mans bike(unicycle)

he'll still be a boy

she smiled


lovely man
th man who gave me th inspiration

to bunnyhop unicycles
a real tripper

'pump up the volume'


i miss th adelaide street bus stops

they;re goin

and th mindless missiles


drunk and stoned after midnight

all floatin around in my game

unicycle video game

in real life

resets on every corner

never th same twice

it'll still be there


havent clipped a bus seat in three months




more drugs over here

thang ya cunt

bring us th hash pipe


th blonde at th shop

knows my shopping habits


its not that
she's underage


thought i wanted 25 cash

as well as my durries

no dear

i wanna sixpack as well


th small shopkeepers

generally know wot th populace are doin


thing is

can th land surfer personality
within me

live with not

celebratin th arrival of




he's too out of it and pissed to care


celebratin our own way and

not comin out to entertain




to that crowd i'm

the unicycle man

as ever

violent femmes
'gone daddy gone'

i dont introduce myself as

the unicycle man

well not normally


look fortitude valley
go and get fucked

surfers paradise

i got laid in th doorway of a nightclub

where's your great tale ?


then shut up


it can be hard to let go

of a venue


last friday night

just after midnight

my phone started ringin

from a denizen of

th old surfers paradise

that i used to sing with there


i dunno dude

u never once

came down th beach

when i was surfin

in th surf

on one wheel

Ludwig van Beethoven
'Symphony No. 9'(Scherzo)

yet u'd introduce me

to all yr lady friends as

the unicycle man

sopranos theme song
'woke up this morning'

up till two weeks ago

yr ex is still ringin me


fuck i gove her wot for

crazy redheaded bitch

i love ya but


i guess

after singin with womble for a coupel hours

so me and th girls could afford to hit th nightclubs

and then we'd dirty dance and then

go collect womble and drag him home

and probly head back into surfers

cause th weak prick karked it at 3 Am and

u and i partied till dawn


i meant what i said dear

i cant give u paulie


he videoed himself and

his last two wives takin it in th arse

not yr scene


its kept her from messaging

the black eyed peas
'hands up'

thought i'd burned u womble


some just wont
drop off th vine


if u wanna join th hive man

u gotta actually listen


i got one phone call

someone askin

can i stick kuta down as my religion



well no-one's paid any dues but

i cant stop u practisin yr religion

black eyed peas
'my humps'

just um

remember that th head toecutter has

quarter million confirmed kadaitcha man kills ok


although it is nice

someone rang me to ask


never marry a volcano

the stranglers
'gold and brown'

the difficult listening hour

i've turned th music up

singing is


didnt sing oen fuckin bit that is actually in th song

all background


total freedom

scott brown
'now is the time'

it took yrs

singin in th street

to find freedom

now i can sing anywhere


"pretty much"


six yrs as an unpaid street entertainer

can i ever truly give it up ?


it was all of yesterday
i was jumpin traffic islands

and watchin a pretty girl smile at my antics


i've seen so many ppl unhinge i

can never see enough of it


they just

havent seen unicycles slide in th flesh

hit posts
and continue and


hands up who's seen a unicycle drop into a bowl


if i hit th bowl

first sunny day after th rain

i can push th edge of

how steep an angle i can take down th wall




havin to bunny hop
over th top

on th down


well its

fuckin nice ok


cause pretty well

100% of th ppl there

seein it in th flesh

have never seen it


i try to keep th numbers down

most ppl are fuckheads


only friend or lation i;ve shown is

my nephew


he's buyin another new girls bike


ride yr unicycle chump

kylie minogue
'i feel for you'

shutup mini gooey


so young man

do th chicks get squidgey when ya pull up on yr girls bike ?




i pull up at a busker mate
i'm gunna sing with

a broadslide that leaves

a black trail
on a man;s bike


even with two coffees in my hand

womble would ask for a crash

he liked to include th unicycle in th act


would crash and

not spill anything and

duly deliver th guitarist a coffee and prop

and start singing

an audience member would usually grab th unicycle

i only caught it in my legs

35 % of th time

it was early days


so why ya callin man ?

the stranglers
'gold and brown'


i told ya i was 009

i got a job to do


i got a letter from th gummint today

my number started with


i went yeah ok


ah man


for wot its worth wommie

u got more chance of draggin paulo's carcass
away to sing

he's gone off th valley of guts


says it's for kiddies


i do have to wonder though

does anyone else sing

at full volume

to th dickless tracys

lady coppers


mannin all th cameras cause

we're all really bent up here and

we're havin a good time

ya better cum fuck it up for us


but i dont expect there will bee


ah well


replace me ya cunts


slalom unicycle racing
thru th cars pullin up at th light

th wrong way

down a four lane one way


after midnight

past th taxi rank

and ultra relaxed


i've never broken a bone on it


give me a ticket for ridin a fuckin girls bike


i'll insult you across th fuckin globe


i dont ride a girls bike council inspector cunt

big pig
'i cant breakway'

we'll see

surfers paradise only gets about one visit a year now

i used to play in th low tide surf there

every week


smokin drugs thru a carrot

whiel th girls dirty dance in front of me

in th street
in the fortitude valley

doesnt equal

gettin laid

in th doorway of a nightclub

in surfers paradise

while th bouncers just stood and watched

i'm sorry


i'm thinkin about my diary man


i been readin back and

yeah man

the buskers jam at dawn

in th fortitude valley was hot

but it died

we all went separate ways and it died


the buskers jam at dawn on a sunday was

th golden time

pj harvey
'the dancer'

th lesbians

dont walk their girlfriends on dogcollars anymore

and th trannies parade

once in a blue moon

stead of every friday night

th place has changed

th money came in


used to be

th valley was notorious for

u could get in anywhere

dressed as anything

the city invaded the red light district

and won


not one fuckin riot when

the man closed th club doors at 3 Am

stead of five Am

not fuckin one


this country's fucked


back in my time
we woulda thrown full stubbies at the police beat


thousands strong


fuck off ya cunts


i shake my head and recall

how much of a good time i had

at th bathurst bike riots in 85

'pride'(in the name of love)

even got on telly

doin donuts on a sidecar

"warmin up th crowd"

paints us all in

dust man

identify me now fucker


thousands of leather clad bikers

all lookin
pretty much th same

specially after midnight


teach you cunts for buildin a bigger police

prescence on th mountain


killed th easter bike races


one day

they make us wear a helmet

if ya stand up to pee


girls world

'lick my pussy'

on ya windows

'love me just leave me alone'

fuck off bitch i'm goin to th pub

you want me to call th maid ?


well she'
s got faster fingers than i have and
i've run out of batteries


will ya hurry up and get off bitch

i wanna go nightclubbin

the lesbian blues


"as sung by a trannie"

lesbian tranny


th straight girls seem to liek it though

when i sing it in th street



even th odd

lesbian couple

i seem to recall

a couple of young lovely ladies

and me

all tryin to teach emselves

how to unciycle and

we had a real good time


"more than once"
that pair stood out


was singin with kombi dude

it blew him away

the flying lizards
'i want money'(the best things in life are free)

i wasnt doin it for money

aaand he defended me more than most

noticed i was invisible


well at least to those two boys hey man


fucked bein psychic around white boys


alright if they dont classify emselves as

white boys

u dig it ?


dont answer that
i dont read comment

the verve
'come on'

just a storage medium for me


and someone might read it

you know

twisting heads

it's just my psychic blog


if they keep
all of newsnet

from whoa to go
it's a kind of

albeit a strange one


that first time ya write somethin


this thing is



i cant go back and change it and

any mistake i amke is

there for all time


i remeber
th first post i made to th internet

and how much

i was scared of it


just th
offchance of knowing

someone may read my words



i experimented and

watched th odd thousand or so
individuals follow my writing to a

www website


enough to make a few




ya cant count in newsnet
how many ppl read wot you wrote

and most of em th readers are


i love it


pissed an ex wife cause

i could share with humanity

wot i couldnt share with her

am i better for it ?


th mouthy ones comment

for someone in th future to laugh at


if i lived to read your comments

would i be living for myself or for



make yr comments after i'm fuckin dead

you arent my parents and

i dint listen to them either

did you ?

the ferrets
'dont fall in love'

told ya both to get fucked and
five minutes later

dad shot ya in th head


it's just life


"and death"


one day
i wont be able to slide a unicycle

but that's not today
today i am


john mayer
'bigger than my body'

i guess


when th five hundredth person

called me a legend

to my face

in th street

in australia

where we avoid such displays


a local icon
just like

rock n roll george

by th way

i prefer

rock n roll paulo

the unicycle man


it's more

th wizard these days

i been around so long


sixpack abs

partyin till dawn


you know


i had to be married twice first

for five yrs both times


punishment enough for any man


i dont take em home now
keep my room bad enough i dont wanna

but they blow kisses at me

'love in motion'(with chrissie amphlett)

th thing is

ya gotta explore new territory

wommie wants to go to sydney


yeah wommie
i'm playin hard to get bitch but
you keep ringin and

you cant replace my voice


ya dont sing with
a hundred different buskers without

learnin a few tricks


after four years i could
sing a completely different song

in th background and
in harmony


twisting ppl's head's with th lyrics

my twin brother always

is th wildest thing there


maybe it's th
savages testicles

they ache
every day


when i had a pirate net connection
and was pirating songs


writin about it
while i did it and


was fuckin sweet

david byrne
'like humans do'(radio edit)

havin two girlfriends and
an online blog they could both read was

kinda interesting


can i tell that hot car tale yet black ?

he says still not enough water gone under th bridge

ah well


all th evidence is gone


some of my life i'm

ten yrs behind in th
writin in my diary


but it's all i leave behind


i'm past five million smiles
on ppl's dials

mr oizo
'flat beat'

oh yeah i used to know - first lyric


th thing about bein an entertainer

ya drop into a

small town and

th place cant do enough for ya

but a big place

yr just one of many


i'd do th tyalgum pub again with ya womble


he'll talk to ya again


i dunno about sydney
i'd rather go to melbourne


and only in th warmer months ok


born in th sub tropics


send me a message sayin yr workin on that song and

i'll reply

neil young
'the needle and the damage done'

wal wrote a song

womble coloured it

i sang it

we still havent jammed on it


but me and wommie did

like five different versions

i know wal's drummin

he'd just

lay it down


it's not th nightlife i miss
it's th muso's and

th music we made



ted mulry gang
'jump in my car'

not tonight

i know that

havin drunk six bourbons already

aint excuse enough for th eunicycle man


havin a bludge


but umm

been ridin heaps and

th spider veins are back out

i'm a whole two kilo's underweight

i'm eatin more


th surf is hard work


have to build up to it


it's only about four months since

i hit surfers paradise main beach

on my big unicycle

in th surf

th nephew
was arguin with me last weekend about it

'bump bump bump'(remix 4)

ok dude

u gave me this song


didnt bring a bicycle this weekend

two and half men weekends


last weekend

u rode my 26 unicycle

right round th cul de sac


me and yr brother both

said how far u'd come


i'll put u on
my 24 with th big tyre

this weekend and

see if that takes yr fancy

not fast enough for me anymore


just a spare in th back of th car


ya came back with
tales of th mad

24 inch unicycle they had

and th girls bikes ya looked at

do th girls drip for yr girls bike ?

simon and garfunkel

she wont shake yr confidence if
you pull up on one wheel

specially in th surf


th first time
three chicks bail ya up

to get a photo with ya

is pretty special i guess

just jaded


ya dont have to be famous

ya just have to be good


i still
take calls from th edge of th island


it's addictive
goin out and bein amazing

'beautiful way'
'track 12 with oonka chaka'

i'll go out and be amazing

when i fucking well pls


it'll blow you away - lyric


every friday night
it hits me liek a hammer


why arent i goin out
ridin my unicycle till dawn


th council's givin me th shits
th pigs are givin me th shits

th ppl are givin me th shits



everywhere i go
i see boring ppl

and th cunts are smiling at me


it's a worry

tenacious d
'cock pushups'

have i run enough red lights after midnight ?

is my midlife crisis over or

does it go forever ?

will i ever grow up ?



at least i dont have to ask a girlfriend

or a wife

if i can slip to my dealers for a coupel of bourbons
and buy a stick of dried green flowers

so i cant complain


no cunt listens anyway right


if yr alive when ya read this

and i'm dead

go and get fucked ok

hope ya have a pleasurable time

i did


i ejaculate
therefore i am


the land surfer



the verve
'neon wilderness'
2006-09-01 15:10:07 UTC
the land surfer wrote:

Why are you posting this shit?
Post by the land surfer
droptesting cats(the other white meat)
'still standing'
prefer to sit
singin on strete corners
usually done twenty or so kilomtres on a unicycle before
i stop with my first busker mate
always amuses me
when i've been away from th street a couple of months and
i get hit up
where th fuck have ya been man ?
ah just
payin car rego and
i live outside th big city
"puttin smiles on dials doesnt pay"
'Love in Motion' (with Chrissie Amphlett)
give you my heart and soul - lyric
only for six yrs though
when th news
that th unicycle man of byron bay
had comitted suicide
filtered thru th street and
found me
i had to sit down and ask myself
i've been the unicycle man of more places than i can count
some places ya can
drop back in after two yrs away from their street and
some bugger will go oh hi man
do you remember when we...
kuta lady
introduced to me to a nice
sweet young thing last week
she met me in 2001
in th botanic gardens
do i remember you ?
ah fuck
countless thousands
just liek you and
just as pretty
'black magic woman'
i got magic but
even my diary only has
bout one percent of th ppl i met
smokin drugs and
drinkin alcohol
in a park with some
late teenage wild things
then remount th unicycle and
peel thru th flower beds
i'm sorry i dont remember you
but thank you for remembering me
i guess i stuck out
and cause i'd
just come from a skatebowl
i told ya how i figured out how to keep th
little mungrels happy
half drunk and
a huge pile of stacks goin up th wall
no stacks goin down
they forgive that
hey i'm a master
it stopped th jaded little buggers
askin for somethin resembling a trick
kylie minogue
'sweet music'
they weren;t puton crashes exactly kylie
i just
overcooked th entry a few times
easier to have a real crash than a fake one
to cum down th wall any steeper
i'd have to go back to fittin brakes
dont liek brakes on a unicycle
generally only effective over twenty k's an hour
and even then
i know i gotta pull th
suspension unicycle prototype outta th shed tomorrow
"big arse bitch"
we found us a fabricator dear
we'll make ya skinnier and
a smaller bum and
out of alloy to start with
steel at th moment
maybe i can get paulo to go learn about carbon fibre
fuck he welds good
souped up
motorized skateboard
with a locker diff
the panel
'opening theme'
mad cunts are us
its a sad fact of life but
one of th nicest
complimetns in
australian suburbia
yr a mad cunt
never have a slidin competition
between a unicycle and a motorized skateboard
<<<smiel >>>
he lost
we judged it on crowd squeels
i was thinkin on
unicycle racin rules
equal with first over th line
first prize is
most spectacular crash
oh and umm
coolest save
hittin th post hard and
not catching th out of control flywheel
till seven pedals after th impact
slow mo back to
three rotations of th wheel where th rider
sorry pilot
was only in contact with th wheel
by one foot on one pedal
the black eyed peas
i flogged th last unicycle
who tried to follow me thru th posts
he hasnt
been out in th street six yrs
and cant jump gutters
one day though
i'll peel thru th posts and
he'll go past me
i can jump gutters
i cant jump puddles
always seem to land in th middle of em
th clown in me
tv rock
'flaunt it'
wot i cant jump
is money
fifteen bucks to get to town and back
to go and play
but its only been two months
since i last
hit th big city and
didnt find a fuckin thing i couldnt ride over
coupel of weeks back
i wandered intot h dustbowl
behind wright park and
found that
unicycles and hidden tree roots in th dust
can be interesting
gotta have internal radar to see
th tree roots
layin under th dust
that's all gone now
a clay pan up there now probly
i'll try to pick my time
to go visit again and
hit it while it still has puddles
but not so greasy i cant get between em
th bump outside th
high school
on th big road
got me yesterday
full of water and mud
its internal dimensions have changed
other bikes have been thru it
i came down
nuthin savage but
man that wheel stopped fast
'i still havent found what i'm lookin for'
<<<smile >>>
cant see everythin comin
i see enough
lighter's run out
time to hit th frog and toad
back soon
led zeppelin
'gallows pole'
been to see my dealer
his dog is healin nicely
beggin me for pats
wish yr girlfriend didnt look like
dorothy from th wizard of oz
lizas mum
i take that back
th boys were talkin cars
we got th giggles
and yeah
did we sink much rum and bourbon and
we thank it
different grower this week and
my last stash was from kuta lady
gettin some variety in th dope at last
well it ias girls bike
by definition
worse its got
four wheels
"had training wheels"
bad as a car
and they're girls bikes too
<<< smile >>>
fuck he looks after me
huge stick
"good size drug consignment"
'fucking in the bushes'
just talkin about sum
dried flowers
green ones
smoke nice anyway
smooth with a capital oooooo
he'll grow out of it dear
wont be car mad forever
at 44
i'm still droppin into skatebowls
on a mans bike(unicycle)
he'll still be a boy
she smiled
lovely man
th man who gave me th inspiration
to bunnyhop unicycles
a real tripper
'pump up the volume'
i miss th adelaide street bus stops
they;re goin
and th mindless missiles
drunk and stoned after midnight
all floatin around in my game
unicycle video game
in real life
resets on every corner
never th same twice
it'll still be there
havent clipped a bus seat in three months
more drugs over here
thang ya cunt
bring us th hash pipe
th blonde at th shop
knows my shopping habits
its not that
she's underage
thought i wanted 25 cash
as well as my durries
no dear
i wanna sixpack as well
th small shopkeepers
generally know wot th populace are doin
thing is
can th land surfer personality
within me
live with not
celebratin th arrival of
he's too out of it and pissed to care
celebratin our own way and
not comin out to entertain
to that crowd i'm
the unicycle man
as ever
violent femmes
'gone daddy gone'
i dont introduce myself as
the unicycle man
well not normally
look fortitude valley
go and get fucked
surfers paradise
i got laid in th doorway of a nightclub
where's your great tale ?
then shut up
it can be hard to let go
of a venue
last friday night
just after midnight
my phone started ringin
from a denizen of
th old surfers paradise
that i used to sing with there
i dunno dude
u never once
came down th beach
when i was surfin
in th surf
on one wheel
Ludwig van Beethoven
'Symphony No. 9'(Scherzo)
yet u'd introduce me
to all yr lady friends as
the unicycle man
sopranos theme song
'woke up this morning'
up till two weeks ago
yr ex is still ringin me
fuck i gove her wot for
crazy redheaded bitch
i love ya but
i guess
after singin with womble for a coupel hours
so me and th girls could afford to hit th nightclubs
and then we'd dirty dance and then
go collect womble and drag him home
and probly head back into surfers
cause th weak prick karked it at 3 Am and
u and i partied till dawn
i meant what i said dear
i cant give u paulie
he videoed himself and
his last two wives takin it in th arse
not yr scene
its kept her from messaging
the black eyed peas
'hands up'
thought i'd burned u womble
some just wont
drop off th vine
if u wanna join th hive man
u gotta actually listen
i got one phone call
someone askin
can i stick kuta down as my religion
well no-one's paid any dues but
i cant stop u practisin yr religion
black eyed peas
'my humps'
just um
remember that th head toecutter has
quarter million confirmed kadaitcha man kills ok
although it is nice
someone rang me to ask
never marry a volcano
the stranglers
'gold and brown'
the difficult listening hour
i've turned th music up
singing is
didnt sing oen fuckin bit that is actually in th song
all background
total freedom
scott brown
'now is the time'
it took yrs
singin in th street
to find freedom
now i can sing anywhere
"pretty much"
six yrs as an unpaid street entertainer
can i ever truly give it up ?
it was all of yesterday
i was jumpin traffic islands
and watchin a pretty girl smile at my antics
i've seen so many ppl unhinge i
can never see enough of it
they just
havent seen unicycles slide in th flesh
hit posts
and continue and
hands up who's seen a unicycle drop into a bowl
if i hit th bowl
first sunny day after th rain
i can push th edge of
how steep an angle i can take down th wall
havin to bunny hop
over th top
on th down
well its
fuckin nice ok
cause pretty well
100% of th ppl there
seein it in th flesh
have never seen it
i try to keep th numbers down
most ppl are fuckheads
only friend or lation i;ve shown is
my nephew
he's buyin another new girls bike
ride yr unicycle chump
kylie minogue
'i feel for you'
shutup mini gooey
so young man
do th chicks get squidgey when ya pull up on yr girls bike ?
i pull up at a busker mate
i'm gunna sing with
a broadslide that leaves
a black trail
on a man;s bike
even with two coffees in my hand
womble would ask for a crash
he liked to include th unicycle in th act
would crash and
not spill anything and
duly deliver th guitarist a coffee and prop
and start singing
an audience member would usually grab th unicycle
i only caught it in my legs
35 % of th time
it was early days
so why ya callin man ?
the stranglers
'gold and brown'
i told ya i was 009
i got a job to do
i got a letter from th gummint today
my number started with
i went yeah ok
ah man
for wot its worth wommie
u got more chance of draggin paulo's carcass
away to sing
he's gone off th valley of guts
says it's for kiddies
i do have to wonder though
does anyone else sing
at full volume
to th dickless tracys
lady coppers
mannin all th cameras cause
we're all really bent up here and
we're havin a good time
ya better cum fuck it up for us
but i dont expect there will bee
ah well
replace me ya cunts
slalom unicycle racing
thru th cars pullin up at th light
th wrong way
down a four lane one way
after midnight
past th taxi rank
and ultra relaxed
i've never broken a bone on it
give me a ticket for ridin a fuckin girls bike
i'll insult you across th fuckin globe
i dont ride a girls bike council inspector cunt
big pig
'i cant breakway'
we'll see
surfers paradise only gets about one visit a year now
i used to play in th low tide surf there
every week
smokin drugs thru a carrot
whiel th girls dirty dance in front of me
in th street
in the fortitude valley
doesnt equal
gettin laid
in th doorway of a nightclub
in surfers paradise
while th bouncers just stood and watched
i'm sorry
i'm thinkin about my diary man
i been readin back and
yeah man
the buskers jam at dawn
in th fortitude valley was hot
but it died
we all went separate ways and it died
the buskers jam at dawn on a sunday was
th golden time
pj harvey
'the dancer'
th lesbians
dont walk their girlfriends on dogcollars anymore
and th trannies parade
once in a blue moon
stead of every friday night
th place has changed
th money came in
used to be
th valley was notorious for
u could get in anywhere
dressed as anything
the city invaded the red light district
and won
not one fuckin riot when
the man closed th club doors at 3 Am
stead of five Am
not fuckin one
this country's fucked
back in my time
we woulda thrown full stubbies at the police beat
thousands strong
fuck off ya cunts
i shake my head and recall
how much of a good time i had
at th bathurst bike riots in 85
'pride'(in the name of love)
even got on telly
doin donuts on a sidecar
"warmin up th crowd"
paints us all in
dust man
identify me now fucker
thousands of leather clad bikers
all lookin
pretty much th same
specially after midnight
teach you cunts for buildin a bigger police
prescence on th mountain
killed th easter bike races
one day
they make us wear a helmet
if ya stand up to pee
girls world
'lick my pussy'
on ya windows
'love me just leave me alone'
fuck off bitch i'm goin to th pub
you want me to call th maid ?
well she'
s got faster fingers than i have and
i've run out of batteries
will ya hurry up and get off bitch
i wanna go nightclubbin
the lesbian blues
"as sung by a trannie"
lesbian tranny
th straight girls seem to liek it though
when i sing it in th street
even th odd
lesbian couple
i seem to recall
a couple of young lovely ladies
and me
all tryin to teach emselves
how to unciycle and
we had a real good time
"more than once"
that pair stood out
was singin with kombi dude
it blew him away
the flying lizards
'i want money'(the best things in life are free)
i wasnt doin it for money
aaand he defended me more than most
noticed i was invisible
well at least to those two boys hey man
fucked bein psychic around white boys
alright if they dont classify emselves as
white boys
u dig it ?
dont answer that
i dont read comment
the verve
'come on'
just a storage medium for me
and someone might read it
you know
twisting heads
it's just my psychic blog
if they keep
all of newsnet
from whoa to go
it's a kind of
albeit a strange one
that first time ya write somethin
this thing is
i cant go back and change it and
any mistake i amke is
there for all time
i remeber
th first post i made to th internet
and how much
i was scared of it
just th
offchance of knowing
someone may read my words
i experimented and
watched th odd thousand or so
individuals follow my writing to a
www website
enough to make a few
ya cant count in newsnet
and most of em th readers are
i love it
pissed an ex wife cause
i could share with humanity
wot i couldnt share with her
am i better for it ?
th mouthy ones comment
for someone in th future to laugh at
if i lived to read your comments
would i be living for myself or for
make yr comments after i'm fuckin dead
you arent my parents and
i dint listen to them either
did you ?
the ferrets
'dont fall in love'
told ya both to get fucked and
five minutes later
dad shot ya in th head
it's just life
"and death"
one day
i wont be able to slide a unicycle
but that's not today
today i am
john mayer
'bigger than my body'
i guess
when th five hundredth person
called me a legend
to my face
in th street
in australia
where we avoid such displays
a local icon
just like
rock n roll george
by th way
i prefer
rock n roll paulo
the unicycle man
it's more
th wizard these days
i been around so long
sixpack abs
partyin till dawn
you know
i had to be married twice first
for five yrs both times
punishment enough for any man
i dont take em home now
keep my room bad enough i dont wanna
but they blow kisses at me
'love in motion'(with chrissie amphlett)
th thing is
ya gotta explore new territory
wommie wants to go to sydney
yeah wommie
i'm playin hard to get bitch but
you keep ringin and
you cant replace my voice
ya dont sing with
a hundred different buskers without
learnin a few tricks
after four years i could
sing a completely different song
in th background and
in harmony
twisting ppl's head's with th lyrics
my twin brother always
is th wildest thing there
maybe it's th
savages testicles
they ache
every day
when i had a pirate net connection
and was pirating songs
writin about it
while i did it and
was fuckin sweet
david byrne
'like humans do'(radio edit)
havin two girlfriends and
an online blog they could both read was
kinda interesting
can i tell that hot car tale yet black ?
he says still not enough water gone under th bridge
ah well
all th evidence is gone
some of my life i'm
ten yrs behind in th
writin in my diary
but it's all i leave behind
i'm past five million smiles
on ppl's dials
mr oizo
'flat beat'
oh yeah i used to know - first lyric
th thing about bein an entertainer
ya drop into a
small town and
th place cant do enough for ya
but a big place
yr just one of many
i'd do th tyalgum pub again with ya womble
he'll talk to ya again
i dunno about sydney
i'd rather go to melbourne
and only in th warmer months ok
born in th sub tropics
send me a message sayin yr workin on that song and
i'll reply
neil young
'the needle and the damage done'
wal wrote a song
womble coloured it
i sang it
we still havent jammed on it
but me and wommie did
like five different versions
i know wal's drummin
he'd just
lay it down
it's not th nightlife i miss
it's th muso's and
th music we made
ted mulry gang
'jump in my car'
not tonight
i know that
havin drunk six bourbons already
aint excuse enough for th eunicycle man
havin a bludge
but umm
been ridin heaps and
th spider veins are back out
i'm a whole two kilo's underweight
i'm eatin more
th surf is hard work
have to build up to it
it's only about four months since
i hit surfers paradise main beach
on my big unicycle
in th surf
th nephew
was arguin with me last weekend about it
'bump bump bump'(remix 4)
ok dude
u gave me this song
didnt bring a bicycle this weekend
two and half men weekends
last weekend
u rode my 26 unicycle
right round th cul de sac
me and yr brother both
said how far u'd come
i'll put u on
my 24 with th big tyre
this weekend and
see if that takes yr fancy
not fast enough for me anymore
just a spare in th back of th car
ya came back with
tales of th mad
24 inch unicycle they had
and th girls bikes ya looked at
do th girls drip for yr girls bike ?
simon and garfunkel
she wont shake yr confidence if
you pull up on one wheel
specially in th surf
th first time
three chicks bail ya up
to get a photo with ya
is pretty special i guess
just jaded
ya dont have to be famous
ya just have to be good
i still
take calls from th edge of th island
it's addictive
goin out and bein amazing
'beautiful way'
'track 12 with oonka chaka'
i'll go out and be amazing
when i fucking well pls
it'll blow you away - lyric
every friday night
it hits me liek a hammer
why arent i goin out
ridin my unicycle till dawn
th council's givin me th shits
th pigs are givin me th shits
th ppl are givin me th shits
everywhere i go
i see boring ppl
and th cunts are smiling at me
it's a worry
tenacious d
'cock pushups'
have i run enough red lights after midnight ?
is my midlife crisis over or
does it go forever ?
will i ever grow up ?
at least i dont have to ask a girlfriend
or a wife
if i can slip to my dealers for a coupel of bourbons
and buy a stick of dried green flowers
so i cant complain
no cunt listens anyway right
if yr alive when ya read this
and i'm dead
go and get fucked ok
hope ya have a pleasurable time
i did
i ejaculate
therefore i am
the land surfer
the verve
'neon wilderness'
2006-09-01 16:15:45 UTC
he's a sick




with no life
Post by JTM
Why are you posting this shit?
Post by the land surfer
droptesting cats(the other white meat)
'still standing'
prefer to sit
singin on strete corners
usually done twenty or so kilomtres on a unicycle before
i stop with my first busker mate
always amuses me
when i've been away from th street a couple of months and
i get hit up
where th fuck have ya been man ?
ah just
payin car rego and
i live outside th big city
"puttin smiles on dials doesnt pay"
'Love in Motion' (with Chrissie Amphlett)
give you my heart and soul - lyric
only for six yrs though
when th news
that th unicycle man of byron bay
had comitted suicide
filtered thru th street and
found me
i had to sit down and ask myself
i've been the unicycle man of more places than i can count
some places ya can
drop back in after two yrs away from their street and
some bugger will go oh hi man
do you remember when we...
kuta lady
introduced to me to a nice
sweet young thing last week
she met me in 2001
in th botanic gardens
do i remember you ?
ah fuck
countless thousands
just liek you and
just as pretty
'black magic woman'
i got magic but
even my diary only has
bout one percent of th ppl i met
smokin drugs and
drinkin alcohol
in a park with some
late teenage wild things
then remount th unicycle and
peel thru th flower beds
i'm sorry i dont remember you
but thank you for remembering me
i guess i stuck out
and cause i'd
just come from a skatebowl
i told ya how i figured out how to keep th
little mungrels happy
half drunk and
a huge pile of stacks goin up th wall
no stacks goin down
they forgive that
hey i'm a master
it stopped th jaded little buggers
askin for somethin resembling a trick
kylie minogue
'sweet music'
they weren;t puton crashes exactly kylie
i just
overcooked th entry a few times
easier to have a real crash than a fake one
to cum down th wall any steeper
i'd have to go back to fittin brakes
dont liek brakes on a unicycle
generally only effective over twenty k's an hour
and even then
i know i gotta pull th
suspension unicycle prototype outta th shed tomorrow
"big arse bitch"
we found us a fabricator dear
we'll make ya skinnier and
a smaller bum and
out of alloy to start with
steel at th moment
maybe i can get paulo to go learn about carbon fibre
fuck he welds good
souped up
motorized skateboard
with a locker diff
the panel
'opening theme'
mad cunts are us
its a sad fact of life but
one of th nicest
complimetns in
australian suburbia
yr a mad cunt
never have a slidin competition
between a unicycle and a motorized skateboard
<<<smiel >>>
he lost
we judged it on crowd squeels
i was thinkin on
unicycle racin rules
equal with first over th line
first prize is
most spectacular crash
oh and umm
coolest save
hittin th post hard and
not catching th out of control flywheel
till seven pedals after th impact
slow mo back to
three rotations of th wheel where th rider
sorry pilot
was only in contact with th wheel
by one foot on one pedal
the black eyed peas
i flogged th last unicycle
who tried to follow me thru th posts
he hasnt
been out in th street six yrs
and cant jump gutters
one day though
i'll peel thru th posts and
he'll go past me
i can jump gutters
i cant jump puddles
always seem to land in th middle of em
th clown in me
tv rock
'flaunt it'
wot i cant jump
is money
fifteen bucks to get to town and back
to go and play
but its only been two months
since i last
hit th big city and
didnt find a fuckin thing i couldnt ride over
coupel of weeks back
i wandered intot h dustbowl
behind wright park and
found that
unicycles and hidden tree roots in th dust
can be interesting
gotta have internal radar to see
th tree roots
layin under th dust
that's all gone now
a clay pan up there now probly
i'll try to pick my time
to go visit again and
hit it while it still has puddles
but not so greasy i cant get between em
th bump outside th
high school
on th big road
got me yesterday
full of water and mud
its internal dimensions have changed
other bikes have been thru it
i came down
nuthin savage but
man that wheel stopped fast
'i still havent found what i'm lookin for'
<<<smile >>>
cant see everythin comin
i see enough
lighter's run out
time to hit th frog and toad
back soon
led zeppelin
'gallows pole'
been to see my dealer
his dog is healin nicely
beggin me for pats
wish yr girlfriend didnt look like
dorothy from th wizard of oz
lizas mum
i take that back
th boys were talkin cars
we got th giggles
and yeah
did we sink much rum and bourbon and
we thank it
different grower this week and
my last stash was from kuta lady
gettin some variety in th dope at last
well it ias girls bike
by definition
worse its got
four wheels
"had training wheels"
bad as a car
and they're girls bikes too
<<< smile >>>
fuck he looks after me
huge stick
"good size drug consignment"
'fucking in the bushes'
just talkin about sum
dried flowers
green ones
smoke nice anyway
smooth with a capital oooooo
he'll grow out of it dear
wont be car mad forever
at 44
i'm still droppin into skatebowls
on a mans bike(unicycle)
he'll still be a boy
she smiled
lovely man
th man who gave me th inspiration
to bunnyhop unicycles
a real tripper
'pump up the volume'
i miss th adelaide street bus stops
they;re goin
and th mindless missiles
drunk and stoned after midnight
all floatin around in my game
unicycle video game
in real life
resets on every corner
never th same twice
it'll still be there
havent clipped a bus seat in three months
more drugs over here
thang ya cunt
bring us th hash pipe
th blonde at th shop
knows my shopping habits
its not that
she's underage
thought i wanted 25 cash
as well as my durries
no dear
i wanna sixpack as well
th small shopkeepers
generally know wot th populace are doin
thing is
can th land surfer personality
within me
live with not
celebratin th arrival of
he's too out of it and pissed to care
celebratin our own way and
not comin out to entertain
to that crowd i'm
the unicycle man
as ever
violent femmes
'gone daddy gone'
i dont introduce myself as
the unicycle man
well not normally
look fortitude valley
go and get fucked
surfers paradise
i got laid in th doorway of a nightclub
where's your great tale ?
then shut up
it can be hard to let go
of a venue
last friday night
just after midnight
my phone started ringin
from a denizen of
th old surfers paradise
that i used to sing with there
i dunno dude
u never once
came down th beach
when i was surfin
in th surf
on one wheel
Ludwig van Beethoven
'Symphony No. 9'(Scherzo)
yet u'd introduce me
to all yr lady friends as
the unicycle man
sopranos theme song
'woke up this morning'
up till two weeks ago
yr ex is still ringin me
fuck i gove her wot for
crazy redheaded bitch
i love ya but
i guess
after singin with womble for a coupel hours
so me and th girls could afford to hit th nightclubs
and then we'd dirty dance and then
go collect womble and drag him home
and probly head back into surfers
cause th weak prick karked it at 3 Am and
u and i partied till dawn
i meant what i said dear
i cant give u paulie
he videoed himself and
his last two wives takin it in th arse
not yr scene
its kept her from messaging
the black eyed peas
'hands up'
thought i'd burned u womble
some just wont
drop off th vine
if u wanna join th hive man
u gotta actually listen
i got one phone call
someone askin
can i stick kuta down as my religion
well no-one's paid any dues but
i cant stop u practisin yr religion
black eyed peas
'my humps'
just um
remember that th head toecutter has
quarter million confirmed kadaitcha man kills ok
although it is nice
someone rang me to ask
never marry a volcano
the stranglers
'gold and brown'
the difficult listening hour
i've turned th music up
singing is
didnt sing oen fuckin bit that is actually in th song
all background
total freedom
scott brown
'now is the time'
it took yrs
singin in th street
to find freedom
now i can sing anywhere
"pretty much"
six yrs as an unpaid street entertainer
can i ever truly give it up ?
it was all of yesterday
i was jumpin traffic islands
and watchin a pretty girl smile at my antics
i've seen so many ppl unhinge i
can never see enough of it
they just
havent seen unicycles slide in th flesh
hit posts
and continue and
hands up who's seen a unicycle drop into a bowl
if i hit th bowl
first sunny day after th rain
i can push th edge of
how steep an angle i can take down th wall
havin to bunny hop
over th top
on th down
well its
fuckin nice ok
cause pretty well
100% of th ppl there
seein it in th flesh
have never seen it
i try to keep th numbers down
most ppl are fuckheads
only friend or lation i;ve shown is
my nephew
he's buyin another new girls bike
ride yr unicycle chump
kylie minogue
'i feel for you'
shutup mini gooey
so young man
do th chicks get squidgey when ya pull up on yr girls bike ?
i pull up at a busker mate
i'm gunna sing with
a broadslide that leaves
a black trail
on a man;s bike
even with two coffees in my hand
womble would ask for a crash
he liked to include th unicycle in th act
would crash and
not spill anything and
duly deliver th guitarist a coffee and prop
and start singing
an audience member would usually grab th unicycle
i only caught it in my legs
35 % of th time
it was early days
so why ya callin man ?
the stranglers
'gold and brown'
i told ya i was 009
i got a job to do
i got a letter from th gummint today
my number started with
i went yeah ok
ah man
for wot its worth wommie
u got more chance of draggin paulo's carcass
away to sing
he's gone off th valley of guts
says it's for kiddies
i do have to wonder though
does anyone else sing
at full volume
to th dickless tracys
lady coppers
mannin all th cameras cause
we're all really bent up here and
we're havin a good time
ya better cum fuck it up for us
but i dont expect there will bee
ah well
replace me ya cunts
slalom unicycle racing
thru th cars pullin up at th light
th wrong way
down a four lane one way
after midnight
past th taxi rank
and ultra relaxed
i've never broken a bone on it
give me a ticket for ridin a fuckin girls bike
i'll insult you across th fuckin globe
i dont ride a girls bike council inspector cunt
big pig
'i cant breakway'
we'll see
surfers paradise only gets about one visit a year now
i used to play in th low tide surf there
every week
smokin drugs thru a carrot
whiel th girls dirty dance in front of me
in th street
in the fortitude valley
doesnt equal
gettin laid
in th doorway of a nightclub
in surfers paradise
while th bouncers just stood and watched
i'm sorry
i'm thinkin about my diary man
i been readin back and
yeah man
the buskers jam at dawn
in th fortitude valley was hot
but it died
we all went separate ways and it died
the buskers jam at dawn on a sunday was
th golden time
pj harvey
'the dancer'
th lesbians
dont walk their girlfriends on dogcollars anymore
and th trannies parade
once in a blue moon
stead of every friday night
th place has changed
th money came in
used to be
th valley was notorious for
u could get in anywhere
dressed as anything
the city invaded the red light district
and won
not one fuckin riot when
the man closed th club doors at 3 Am
stead of five Am
not fuckin one
this country's fucked
back in my time
we woulda thrown full stubbies at the police beat
thousands strong
fuck off ya cunts
i shake my head and recall
how much of a good time i had
at th bathurst bike riots in 85
'pride'(in the name of love)
even got on telly
doin donuts on a sidecar
"warmin up th crowd"
paints us all in
dust man
identify me now fucker
thousands of leather clad bikers
all lookin
pretty much th same
specially after midnight
teach you cunts for buildin a bigger police
prescence on th mountain
killed th easter bike races
one day
they make us wear a helmet
if ya stand up to pee
girls world
'lick my pussy'
on ya windows
'love me just leave me alone'
fuck off bitch i'm goin to th pub
you want me to call th maid ?
well she'
s got faster fingers than i have and
i've run out of batteries
will ya hurry up and get off bitch
i wanna go nightclubbin
the lesbian blues
"as sung by a trannie"
lesbian tranny
th straight girls seem to liek it though
when i sing it in th street
even th odd
lesbian couple
i seem to recall
a couple of young lovely ladies
and me
all tryin to teach emselves
how to unciycle and
we had a real good time
"more than once"
that pair stood out
was singin with kombi dude
it blew him away
the flying lizards
'i want money'(the best things in life are free)
i wasnt doin it for money
aaand he defended me more than most
noticed i was invisible
well at least to those two boys hey man
fucked bein psychic around white boys
alright if they dont classify emselves as
white boys
u dig it ?
dont answer that
i dont read comment
the verve
'come on'
just a storage medium for me
and someone might read it
you know
twisting heads
it's just my psychic blog
if they keep
all of newsnet
from whoa to go
it's a kind of
albeit a strange one
that first time ya write somethin
this thing is
i cant go back and change it and
any mistake i amke is
there for all time
i remeber
th first post i made to th internet
and how much
i was scared of it
just th
offchance of knowing
someone may read my words
i experimented and
watched th odd thousand or so
individuals follow my writing to a
www website
enough to make a few
ya cant count in newsnet
and most of em th readers are
i love it
pissed an ex wife cause
i could share with humanity
wot i couldnt share with her
am i better for it ?
th mouthy ones comment
for someone in th future to laugh at
if i lived to read your comments
would i be living for myself or for
make yr comments after i'm fuckin dead
you arent my parents and
i dint listen to them either
did you ?
the ferrets
'dont fall in love'
told ya both to get fucked and
five minutes later
dad shot ya in th head
it's just life
"and death"
one day
i wont be able to slide a unicycle
but that's not today
today i am
john mayer
'bigger than my body'
i guess
when th five hundredth person
called me a legend
to my face
in th street
in australia
where we avoid such displays
a local icon
just like
rock n roll george
by th way
i prefer
rock n roll paulo
the unicycle man
it's more
th wizard these days
i been around so long
sixpack abs
partyin till dawn
you know
i had to be married twice first
for five yrs both times
punishment enough for any man
i dont take em home now
keep my room bad enough i dont wanna
but they blow kisses at me
'love in motion'(with chrissie amphlett)
th thing is
ya gotta explore new territory
wommie wants to go to sydney
yeah wommie
i'm playin hard to get bitch but
you keep ringin and
you cant replace my voice
ya dont sing with
a hundred different buskers without
learnin a few tricks
after four years i could
sing a completely different song
in th background and
in harmony
twisting ppl's head's with th lyrics
my twin brother always
is th wildest thing there
maybe it's th
savages testicles
they ache
every day
when i had a pirate net connection
and was pirating songs
writin about it
while i did it and
was fuckin sweet
david byrne
'like humans do'(radio edit)
havin two girlfriends and
an online blog they could both read was
kinda interesting
can i tell that hot car tale yet black ?
he says still not enough water gone under th bridge
ah well
all th evidence is gone
some of my life i'm
ten yrs behind in th
writin in my diary
but it's all i leave behind
i'm past five million smiles
on ppl's dials
mr oizo
'flat beat'
oh yeah i used to know - first lyric
th thing about bein an entertainer
ya drop into a
small town and
th place cant do enough for ya
but a big place
yr just one of many
i'd do th tyalgum pub again with ya womble
he'll talk to ya again
i dunno about sydney
i'd rather go to melbourne
and only in th warmer months ok
born in th sub tropics
send me a message sayin yr workin on that song and
i'll reply
neil young
'the needle and the damage done'
wal wrote a song
womble coloured it
i sang it
we still havent jammed on it
but me and wommie did
like five different versions
i know wal's drummin
he'd just
lay it down
it's not th nightlife i miss
it's th muso's and
th music we made
ted mulry gang
'jump in my car'
not tonight
i know that
havin drunk six bourbons already
aint excuse enough for th eunicycle man
havin a bludge
but umm
been ridin heaps and
th spider veins are back out
i'm a whole two kilo's underweight
i'm eatin more
th surf is hard work
have to build up to it
it's only about four months since
i hit surfers paradise main beach
on my big unicycle
in th surf
th nephew
was arguin with me last weekend about it
'bump bump bump'(remix 4)
ok dude
u gave me this song
didnt bring a bicycle this weekend
two and half men weekends
last weekend
u rode my 26 unicycle
right round th cul de sac
me and yr brother both
said how far u'd come
i'll put u on
my 24 with th big tyre
this weekend and
see if that takes yr fancy
not fast enough for me anymore
just a spare in th back of th car
ya came back with
tales of th mad
24 inch unicycle they had
and th girls bikes ya looked at
do th girls drip for yr girls bike ?
simon and garfunkel
she wont shake yr confidence if
you pull up on one wheel
specially in th surf
th first time
three chicks bail ya up
to get a photo with ya
is pretty special i guess
just jaded
ya dont have to be famous
ya just have to be good
i still
take calls from th edge of th island
it's addictive
goin out and bein amazing
'beautiful way'
'track 12 with oonka chaka'
i'll go out and be amazing
when i fucking well pls
it'll blow you away - lyric
every friday night
it hits me liek a hammer
why arent i goin out
ridin my unicycle till dawn
th council's givin me th shits
th pigs are givin me th shits
th ppl are givin me th shits
everywhere i go
i see boring ppl
and th cunts are smiling at me
it's a worry
tenacious d
'cock pushups'
have i run enough red lights after midnight ?
is my midlife crisis over or
does it go forever ?
will i ever grow up ?
at least i dont have to ask a girlfriend
or a wife
if i can slip to my dealers for a coupel of bourbons
and buy a stick of dried green flowers
so i cant complain
no cunt listens anyway right
if yr alive when ya read this
and i'm dead
go and get fucked ok
hope ya have a pleasurable time
i did
i ejaculate
therefore i am
the land surfer
the verve
'neon wilderness'
2006-09-01 22:23:15 UTC
Don't worry, his/her ip address is contained in the message source and so
far he/she has implicated himself on Animal cruelty and class C illegal
Give him enough rope and he will hang himself.
In the meantime highlight the message and choose block from your menu.
Post by Steve
he's a sick
with no life
Post by JTM
Why are you posting this shit?
Post by the land surfer
droptesting cats(the other white meat)
'still standing'
prefer to sit
singin on strete corners
usually done twenty or so kilomtres on a unicycle before
i stop with my first busker mate
always amuses me
when i've been away from th street a couple of months and
i get hit up
where th fuck have ya been man ?
ah just
payin car rego and
i live outside th big city
"puttin smiles on dials doesnt pay"
'Love in Motion' (with Chrissie Amphlett)
give you my heart and soul - lyric
only for six yrs though
when th news
that th unicycle man of byron bay
had comitted suicide
filtered thru th street and
found me
i had to sit down and ask myself
i've been the unicycle man of more places than i can count
some places ya can
drop back in after two yrs away from their street and
some bugger will go oh hi man
do you remember when we...
kuta lady
introduced to me to a nice
sweet young thing last week
she met me in 2001
in th botanic gardens
do i remember you ?
ah fuck
countless thousands
just liek you and
just as pretty
'black magic woman'
i got magic but
even my diary only has
bout one percent of th ppl i met
smokin drugs and
drinkin alcohol
in a park with some
late teenage wild things
then remount th unicycle and
peel thru th flower beds
i'm sorry i dont remember you
but thank you for remembering me
i guess i stuck out
and cause i'd
just come from a skatebowl
i told ya how i figured out how to keep th
little mungrels happy
half drunk and
a huge pile of stacks goin up th wall
no stacks goin down
they forgive that
hey i'm a master
it stopped th jaded little buggers
askin for somethin resembling a trick
kylie minogue
'sweet music'
they weren;t puton crashes exactly kylie
i just
overcooked th entry a few times
easier to have a real crash than a fake one
to cum down th wall any steeper
i'd have to go back to fittin brakes
dont liek brakes on a unicycle
generally only effective over twenty k's an hour
and even then
i know i gotta pull th
suspension unicycle prototype outta th shed tomorrow
"big arse bitch"
we found us a fabricator dear
we'll make ya skinnier and
a smaller bum and
out of alloy to start with
steel at th moment
maybe i can get paulo to go learn about carbon fibre
fuck he welds good
souped up
motorized skateboard
with a locker diff
the panel
'opening theme'
mad cunts are us
its a sad fact of life but
one of th nicest
complimetns in
australian suburbia
yr a mad cunt
never have a slidin competition
between a unicycle and a motorized skateboard
<<<smiel >>>
he lost
we judged it on crowd squeels
i was thinkin on
unicycle racin rules
equal with first over th line
first prize is
most spectacular crash
oh and umm
coolest save
hittin th post hard and
not catching th out of control flywheel
till seven pedals after th impact
slow mo back to
three rotations of th wheel where th rider
sorry pilot
was only in contact with th wheel
by one foot on one pedal
the black eyed peas
i flogged th last unicycle
who tried to follow me thru th posts
he hasnt
been out in th street six yrs
and cant jump gutters
one day though
i'll peel thru th posts and
he'll go past me
i can jump gutters
i cant jump puddles
always seem to land in th middle of em
th clown in me
tv rock
'flaunt it'
wot i cant jump
is money
fifteen bucks to get to town and back
to go and play
but its only been two months
since i last
hit th big city and
didnt find a fuckin thing i couldnt ride over
coupel of weeks back
i wandered intot h dustbowl
behind wright park and
found that
unicycles and hidden tree roots in th dust
can be interesting
gotta have internal radar to see
th tree roots
layin under th dust
that's all gone now
a clay pan up there now probly
i'll try to pick my time
to go visit again and
hit it while it still has puddles
but not so greasy i cant get between em
th bump outside th
high school
on th big road
got me yesterday
full of water and mud
its internal dimensions have changed
other bikes have been thru it
i came down
nuthin savage but
man that wheel stopped fast
'i still havent found what i'm lookin for'
<<<smile >>>
cant see everythin comin
i see enough
lighter's run out
time to hit th frog and toad
back soon
led zeppelin
'gallows pole'
been to see my dealer
his dog is healin nicely
beggin me for pats
wish yr girlfriend didnt look like
dorothy from th wizard of oz
lizas mum
i take that back
th boys were talkin cars
we got th giggles
and yeah
did we sink much rum and bourbon and
we thank it
different grower this week and
my last stash was from kuta lady
gettin some variety in th dope at last
well it ias girls bike
by definition
worse its got
four wheels
"had training wheels"
bad as a car
and they're girls bikes too
<<< smile >>>
fuck he looks after me
huge stick
"good size drug consignment"
'fucking in the bushes'
just talkin about sum
dried flowers
green ones
smoke nice anyway
smooth with a capital oooooo
he'll grow out of it dear
wont be car mad forever
at 44
i'm still droppin into skatebowls
on a mans bike(unicycle)
he'll still be a boy
she smiled
lovely man
th man who gave me th inspiration
to bunnyhop unicycles
a real tripper
'pump up the volume'
i miss th adelaide street bus stops
they;re goin
and th mindless missiles
drunk and stoned after midnight
all floatin around in my game
unicycle video game
in real life
resets on every corner
never th same twice
it'll still be there
havent clipped a bus seat in three months
more drugs over here
thang ya cunt
bring us th hash pipe
th blonde at th shop
knows my shopping habits
its not that
she's underage
thought i wanted 25 cash
as well as my durries
no dear
i wanna sixpack as well
th small shopkeepers
generally know wot th populace are doin
thing is
can th land surfer personality
within me
live with not
celebratin th arrival of
he's too out of it and pissed to care
celebratin our own way and
not comin out to entertain
to that crowd i'm
the unicycle man
as ever
violent femmes
'gone daddy gone'
i dont introduce myself as
the unicycle man
well not normally
look fortitude valley
go and get fucked
surfers paradise
i got laid in th doorway of a nightclub
where's your great tale ?
then shut up
it can be hard to let go
of a venue
last friday night
just after midnight
my phone started ringin
from a denizen of
th old surfers paradise
that i used to sing with there
i dunno dude
u never once
came down th beach
when i was surfin
in th surf
on one wheel
Ludwig van Beethoven
'Symphony No. 9'(Scherzo)
yet u'd introduce me
to all yr lady friends as
the unicycle man
sopranos theme song
'woke up this morning'
up till two weeks ago
yr ex is still ringin me
fuck i gove her wot for
crazy redheaded bitch
i love ya but
i guess
after singin with womble for a coupel hours
so me and th girls could afford to hit th nightclubs
and then we'd dirty dance and then
go collect womble and drag him home
and probly head back into surfers
cause th weak prick karked it at 3 Am and
u and i partied till dawn
i meant what i said dear
i cant give u paulie
he videoed himself and
his last two wives takin it in th arse
not yr scene
its kept her from messaging
the black eyed peas
'hands up'
thought i'd burned u womble
some just wont
drop off th vine
if u wanna join th hive man
u gotta actually listen
i got one phone call
someone askin
can i stick kuta down as my religion
well no-one's paid any dues but
i cant stop u practisin yr religion
black eyed peas
'my humps'
just um
remember that th head toecutter has
quarter million confirmed kadaitcha man kills ok
although it is nice
someone rang me to ask
never marry a volcano
the stranglers
'gold and brown'
the difficult listening hour
i've turned th music up
singing is
didnt sing oen fuckin bit that is actually in th song
all background
total freedom
scott brown
'now is the time'
it took yrs
singin in th street
to find freedom
now i can sing anywhere
"pretty much"
six yrs as an unpaid street entertainer
can i ever truly give it up ?
it was all of yesterday
i was jumpin traffic islands
and watchin a pretty girl smile at my antics
i've seen so many ppl unhinge i
can never see enough of it
they just
havent seen unicycles slide in th flesh
hit posts
and continue and
hands up who's seen a unicycle drop into a bowl
if i hit th bowl
first sunny day after th rain
i can push th edge of
how steep an angle i can take down th wall
havin to bunny hop
over th top
on th down
well its
fuckin nice ok
cause pretty well
100% of th ppl there
seein it in th flesh
have never seen it
i try to keep th numbers down
most ppl are fuckheads
only friend or lation i;ve shown is
my nephew
he's buyin another new girls bike
ride yr unicycle chump
kylie minogue
'i feel for you'
shutup mini gooey
so young man
do th chicks get squidgey when ya pull up on yr girls bike ?
i pull up at a busker mate
i'm gunna sing with
a broadslide that leaves
a black trail
on a man;s bike
even with two coffees in my hand
womble would ask for a crash
he liked to include th unicycle in th act
would crash and
not spill anything and
duly deliver th guitarist a coffee and prop
and start singing
an audience member would usually grab th unicycle
i only caught it in my legs
35 % of th time
it was early days
so why ya callin man ?
the stranglers
'gold and brown'
i told ya i was 009
i got a job to do
i got a letter from th gummint today
my number started with
i went yeah ok
ah man
for wot its worth wommie
u got more chance of draggin paulo's carcass
away to sing
he's gone off th valley of guts
says it's for kiddies
i do have to wonder though
does anyone else sing
at full volume
to th dickless tracys
lady coppers
mannin all th cameras cause
we're all really bent up here and
we're havin a good time
ya better cum fuck it up for us
but i dont expect there will bee
ah well
replace me ya cunts
slalom unicycle racing
thru th cars pullin up at th light
th wrong way
down a four lane one way
after midnight
past th taxi rank
and ultra relaxed
i've never broken a bone on it
give me a ticket for ridin a fuckin girls bike
i'll insult you across th fuckin globe
i dont ride a girls bike council inspector cunt
big pig
'i cant breakway'
we'll see
surfers paradise only gets about one visit a year now
i used to play in th low tide surf there
every week
smokin drugs thru a carrot
whiel th girls dirty dance in front of me
in th street
in the fortitude valley
doesnt equal
gettin laid
in th doorway of a nightclub
in surfers paradise
while th bouncers just stood and watched
i'm sorry
i'm thinkin about my diary man
i been readin back and
yeah man
the buskers jam at dawn
in th fortitude valley was hot
but it died
we all went separate ways and it died
the buskers jam at dawn on a sunday was
th golden time
pj harvey
'the dancer'
th lesbians
dont walk their girlfriends on dogcollars anymore
and th trannies parade
once in a blue moon
stead of every friday night
th place has changed
th money came in
used to be
th valley was notorious for
u could get in anywhere
dressed as anything
the city invaded the red light district
and won
not one fuckin riot when
the man closed th club doors at 3 Am
stead of five Am
not fuckin one
this country's fucked
back in my time
we woulda thrown full stubbies at the police beat
thousands strong
fuck off ya cunts
i shake my head and recall
how much of a good time i had
at th bathurst bike riots in 85
'pride'(in the name of love)
even got on telly
doin donuts on a sidecar
"warmin up th crowd"
paints us all in
dust man
identify me now fucker
thousands of leather clad bikers
all lookin
pretty much th same
specially after midnight
teach you cunts for buildin a bigger police
prescence on th mountain
killed th easter bike races
one day
they make us wear a helmet
if ya stand up to pee
girls world
'lick my pussy'
on ya windows
'love me just leave me alone'
fuck off bitch i'm goin to th pub
you want me to call th maid ?
well she'
s got faster fingers than i have and
i've run out of batteries
will ya hurry up and get off bitch
i wanna go nightclubbin
the lesbian blues
"as sung by a trannie"
lesbian tranny
th straight girls seem to liek it though
when i sing it in th street
even th odd
lesbian couple
i seem to recall
a couple of young lovely ladies
and me
all tryin to teach emselves
how to unciycle and
we had a real good time
"more than once"
that pair stood out
was singin with kombi dude
it blew him away
the flying lizards
'i want money'(the best things in life are free)
i wasnt doin it for money
aaand he defended me more than most
noticed i was invisible
well at least to those two boys hey man
fucked bein psychic around white boys
alright if they dont classify emselves as
white boys
u dig it ?
dont answer that
i dont read comment
the verve
'come on'
just a storage medium for me
and someone might read it
you know
twisting heads
it's just my psychic blog
if they keep
all of newsnet
from whoa to go
it's a kind of
albeit a strange one
that first time ya write somethin
this thing is
i cant go back and change it and
any mistake i amke is
there for all time
i remeber
th first post i made to th internet
and how much
i was scared of it
just th
offchance of knowing
someone may read my words
i experimented and
watched th odd thousand or so
individuals follow my writing to a
www website
enough to make a few
ya cant count in newsnet
and most of em th readers are
i love it
pissed an ex wife cause
i could share with humanity
wot i couldnt share with her
am i better for it ?
th mouthy ones comment
for someone in th future to laugh at
if i lived to read your comments
would i be living for myself or for
make yr comments after i'm fuckin dead
you arent my parents and
i dint listen to them either
did you ?
the ferrets
'dont fall in love'
told ya both to get fucked and
five minutes later
dad shot ya in th head
it's just life
"and death"
one day
i wont be able to slide a unicycle
but that's not today
today i am
john mayer
'bigger than my body'
i guess
when th five hundredth person
called me a legend
to my face
in th street
in australia
where we avoid such displays
a local icon
just like
rock n roll george
by th way
i prefer
rock n roll paulo
the unicycle man
it's more
th wizard these days
i been around so long
sixpack abs
partyin till dawn
you know
i had to be married twice first
for five yrs both times
punishment enough for any man
i dont take em home now
keep my room bad enough i dont wanna
but they blow kisses at me
'love in motion'(with chrissie amphlett)
th thing is
ya gotta explore new territory
wommie wants to go to sydney
yeah wommie
i'm playin hard to get bitch but
you keep ringin and
you cant replace my voice
ya dont sing with
a hundred different buskers without
learnin a few tricks
after four years i could
sing a completely different song
in th background and
in harmony
twisting ppl's head's with th lyrics
my twin brother always
is th wildest thing there
maybe it's th
savages testicles
they ache
every day
when i had a pirate net connection
and was pirating songs
writin about it
while i did it and
was fuckin sweet
david byrne
'like humans do'(radio edit)
havin two girlfriends and
an online blog they could both read was
kinda interesting
can i tell that hot car tale yet black ?
he says still not enough water gone under th bridge
ah well
all th evidence is gone
some of my life i'm
ten yrs behind in th
writin in my diary
but it's all i leave behind
i'm past five million smiles
on ppl's dials
mr oizo
'flat beat'
oh yeah i used to know - first lyric
th thing about bein an entertainer
ya drop into a
small town and
th place cant do enough for ya
but a big place
yr just one of many
i'd do th tyalgum pub again with ya womble
he'll talk to ya again
i dunno about sydney
i'd rather go to melbourne
and only in th warmer months ok
born in th sub tropics
send me a message sayin yr workin on that song and
i'll reply
neil young
'the needle and the damage done'
wal wrote a song
womble coloured it
i sang it
we still havent jammed on it
but me and wommie did
like five different versions
i know wal's drummin
he'd just
lay it down
it's not th nightlife i miss
it's th muso's and
th music we made
ted mulry gang
'jump in my car'
not tonight
i know that
havin drunk six bourbons already
aint excuse enough for th eunicycle man
havin a bludge
but umm
been ridin heaps and
th spider veins are back out
i'm a whole two kilo's underweight
i'm eatin more
th surf is hard work
have to build up to it
it's only about four months since
i hit surfers paradise main beach
on my big unicycle
in th surf
th nephew
was arguin with me last weekend about it
'bump bump bump'(remix 4)
ok dude
u gave me this song
didnt bring a bicycle this weekend
two and half men weekends
last weekend
u rode my 26 unicycle
right round th cul de sac
me and yr brother both
said how far u'd come
i'll put u on
my 24 with th big tyre
this weekend and
see if that takes yr fancy
not fast enough for me anymore
just a spare in th back of th car
ya came back with
tales of th mad
24 inch unicycle they had
and th girls bikes ya looked at
do th girls drip for yr girls bike ?
simon and garfunkel
she wont shake yr confidence if
you pull up on one wheel
specially in th surf
th first time
three chicks bail ya up
to get a photo with ya
is pretty special i guess
just jaded
ya dont have to be famous
ya just have to be good
i still
take calls from th edge of th island
it's addictive
goin out and bein amazing
'beautiful way'
'track 12 with oonka chaka'
i'll go out and be amazing
when i fucking well pls
it'll blow you away - lyric
every friday night
it hits me liek a hammer
why arent i goin out
ridin my unicycle till dawn
th council's givin me th shits
th pigs are givin me th shits
th ppl are givin me th shits
everywhere i go
i see boring ppl
and th cunts are smiling at me
it's a worry
tenacious d
'cock pushups'
have i run enough red lights after midnight ?
is my midlife crisis over or
does it go forever ?
will i ever grow up ?
at least i dont have to ask a girlfriend
or a wife
if i can slip to my dealers for a coupel of bourbons
and buy a stick of dried green flowers
so i cant complain
no cunt listens anyway right
if yr alive when ya read this
and i'm dead
go and get fucked ok
hope ya have a pleasurable time
i did
i ejaculate
therefore i am
the land surfer
the verve
'neon wilderness'
2006-09-02 07:09:26 UTC
he's blocked here long time ago, i saw his crap in JTM's reply

Post by Marvel
Don't worry, his/her ip address is contained in the message source and so
far he/she has implicated himself on Animal cruelty and class C illegal
Give him enough rope and he will hang himself.
In the meantime highlight the message and choose block from your menu.
Post by Steve
he's a sick
with no life
Post by JTM
Why are you posting this shit?
Post by the land surfer
droptesting cats(the other white meat)
'still standing'
prefer to sit
singin on strete corners
usually done twenty or so kilomtres on a unicycle before
i stop with my first busker mate
always amuses me
when i've been away from th street a couple of months and
i get hit up
where th fuck have ya been man ?
ah just
payin car rego and
i live outside th big city
"puttin smiles on dials doesnt pay"
'Love in Motion' (with Chrissie Amphlett)
give you my heart and soul - lyric
only for six yrs though
when th news
that th unicycle man of byron bay
had comitted suicide
filtered thru th street and
found me
i had to sit down and ask myself
i've been the unicycle man of more places than i can count
some places ya can
drop back in after two yrs away from their street and
some bugger will go oh hi man
do you remember when we...
kuta lady
introduced to me to a nice
sweet young thing last week
she met me in 2001
in th botanic gardens
do i remember you ?
ah fuck
countless thousands
just liek you and
just as pretty
'black magic woman'
i got magic but
even my diary only has
bout one percent of th ppl i met
smokin drugs and
drinkin alcohol
in a park with some
late teenage wild things
then remount th unicycle and
peel thru th flower beds
i'm sorry i dont remember you
but thank you for remembering me
i guess i stuck out
and cause i'd
just come from a skatebowl
i told ya how i figured out how to keep th
little mungrels happy
half drunk and
a huge pile of stacks goin up th wall
no stacks goin down
they forgive that
hey i'm a master
it stopped th jaded little buggers
askin for somethin resembling a trick
kylie minogue
'sweet music'
they weren;t puton crashes exactly kylie
i just
overcooked th entry a few times
easier to have a real crash than a fake one
to cum down th wall any steeper
i'd have to go back to fittin brakes
dont liek brakes on a unicycle
generally only effective over twenty k's an hour
and even then
i know i gotta pull th
suspension unicycle prototype outta th shed tomorrow
"big arse bitch"
we found us a fabricator dear
we'll make ya skinnier and
a smaller bum and
out of alloy to start with
steel at th moment
maybe i can get paulo to go learn about carbon fibre
fuck he welds good
souped up
motorized skateboard
with a locker diff
the panel
'opening theme'
mad cunts are us
its a sad fact of life but
one of th nicest
complimetns in
australian suburbia
yr a mad cunt
never have a slidin competition
between a unicycle and a motorized skateboard
<<<smiel >>>
he lost
we judged it on crowd squeels
i was thinkin on
unicycle racin rules
equal with first over th line
first prize is
most spectacular crash
oh and umm
coolest save
hittin th post hard and
not catching th out of control flywheel
till seven pedals after th impact
slow mo back to
three rotations of th wheel where th rider
sorry pilot
was only in contact with th wheel
by one foot on one pedal
the black eyed peas
i flogged th last unicycle
who tried to follow me thru th posts
he hasnt
been out in th street six yrs
and cant jump gutters
one day though
i'll peel thru th posts and
he'll go past me
i can jump gutters
i cant jump puddles
always seem to land in th middle of em
th clown in me
tv rock
'flaunt it'
wot i cant jump
is money
fifteen bucks to get to town and back
to go and play
but its only been two months
since i last
hit th big city and
didnt find a fuckin thing i couldnt ride over
coupel of weeks back
i wandered intot h dustbowl
behind wright park and
found that
unicycles and hidden tree roots in th dust
can be interesting
gotta have internal radar to see
th tree roots
layin under th dust
that's all gone now
a clay pan up there now probly
i'll try to pick my time
to go visit again and
hit it while it still has puddles
but not so greasy i cant get between em
th bump outside th
high school
on th big road
got me yesterday
full of water and mud
its internal dimensions have changed
other bikes have been thru it
i came down
nuthin savage but
man that wheel stopped fast
'i still havent found what i'm lookin for'
<<<smile >>>
cant see everythin comin
i see enough
lighter's run out
time to hit th frog and toad
back soon
led zeppelin
'gallows pole'
been to see my dealer
his dog is healin nicely
beggin me for pats
wish yr girlfriend didnt look like
dorothy from th wizard of oz
lizas mum
i take that back
th boys were talkin cars
we got th giggles
and yeah
did we sink much rum and bourbon and
we thank it
different grower this week and
my last stash was from kuta lady
gettin some variety in th dope at last
well it ias girls bike
by definition
worse its got
four wheels
"had training wheels"
bad as a car
and they're girls bikes too
<<< smile >>>
fuck he looks after me
huge stick
"good size drug consignment"
'fucking in the bushes'
just talkin about sum
dried flowers
green ones
smoke nice anyway
smooth with a capital oooooo
he'll grow out of it dear
wont be car mad forever
at 44
i'm still droppin into skatebowls
on a mans bike(unicycle)
he'll still be a boy
she smiled
lovely man
th man who gave me th inspiration
to bunnyhop unicycles
a real tripper
'pump up the volume'
i miss th adelaide street bus stops
they;re goin
and th mindless missiles
drunk and stoned after midnight
all floatin around in my game
unicycle video game
in real life
resets on every corner
never th same twice
it'll still be there
havent clipped a bus seat in three months
more drugs over here
thang ya cunt
bring us th hash pipe
th blonde at th shop
knows my shopping habits
its not that
she's underage
thought i wanted 25 cash
as well as my durries
no dear
i wanna sixpack as well
th small shopkeepers
generally know wot th populace are doin
thing is
can th land surfer personality
within me
live with not
celebratin th arrival of
he's too out of it and pissed to care
celebratin our own way and
not comin out to entertain
to that crowd i'm
the unicycle man
as ever
violent femmes
'gone daddy gone'
i dont introduce myself as
the unicycle man
well not normally
look fortitude valley
go and get fucked
surfers paradise
i got laid in th doorway of a nightclub
where's your great tale ?
then shut up
it can be hard to let go
of a venue
last friday night
just after midnight
my phone started ringin
from a denizen of
th old surfers paradise
that i used to sing with there
i dunno dude
u never once
came down th beach
when i was surfin
in th surf
on one wheel
Ludwig van Beethoven
'Symphony No. 9'(Scherzo)
yet u'd introduce me
to all yr lady friends as
the unicycle man
sopranos theme song
'woke up this morning'
up till two weeks ago
yr ex is still ringin me
fuck i gove her wot for
crazy redheaded bitch
i love ya but
i guess
after singin with womble for a coupel hours
so me and th girls could afford to hit th nightclubs
and then we'd dirty dance and then
go collect womble and drag him home
and probly head back into surfers
cause th weak prick karked it at 3 Am and
u and i partied till dawn
i meant what i said dear
i cant give u paulie
he videoed himself and
his last two wives takin it in th arse
not yr scene
its kept her from messaging
the black eyed peas
'hands up'
thought i'd burned u womble
some just wont
drop off th vine
if u wanna join th hive man
u gotta actually listen
i got one phone call
someone askin
can i stick kuta down as my religion
well no-one's paid any dues but
i cant stop u practisin yr religion
black eyed peas
'my humps'
just um
remember that th head toecutter has
quarter million confirmed kadaitcha man kills ok
although it is nice
someone rang me to ask
never marry a volcano
the stranglers
'gold and brown'
the difficult listening hour
i've turned th music up
singing is
didnt sing oen fuckin bit that is actually in th song
all background
total freedom
scott brown
'now is the time'
it took yrs
singin in th street
to find freedom
now i can sing anywhere
"pretty much"
six yrs as an unpaid street entertainer
can i ever truly give it up ?
it was all of yesterday
i was jumpin traffic islands
and watchin a pretty girl smile at my antics
i've seen so many ppl unhinge i
can never see enough of it
they just
havent seen unicycles slide in th flesh
hit posts
and continue and
hands up who's seen a unicycle drop into a bowl
if i hit th bowl
first sunny day after th rain
i can push th edge of
how steep an angle i can take down th wall
havin to bunny hop
over th top
on th down
well its
fuckin nice ok
cause pretty well
100% of th ppl there
seein it in th flesh
have never seen it
i try to keep th numbers down
most ppl are fuckheads
only friend or lation i;ve shown is
my nephew
he's buyin another new girls bike
ride yr unicycle chump
kylie minogue
'i feel for you'
shutup mini gooey
so young man
do th chicks get squidgey when ya pull up on yr girls bike ?
i pull up at a busker mate
i'm gunna sing with
a broadslide that leaves
a black trail
on a man;s bike
even with two coffees in my hand
womble would ask for a crash
he liked to include th unicycle in th act
would crash and
not spill anything and
duly deliver th guitarist a coffee and prop
and start singing
an audience member would usually grab th unicycle
i only caught it in my legs
35 % of th time
it was early days
so why ya callin man ?
the stranglers
'gold and brown'
i told ya i was 009
i got a job to do
i got a letter from th gummint today
my number started with
i went yeah ok
ah man
for wot its worth wommie
u got more chance of draggin paulo's carcass
away to sing
he's gone off th valley of guts
says it's for kiddies
i do have to wonder though
does anyone else sing
at full volume
to th dickless tracys
lady coppers
mannin all th cameras cause
we're all really bent up here and
we're havin a good time
ya better cum fuck it up for us
but i dont expect there will bee
ah well
replace me ya cunts
slalom unicycle racing
thru th cars pullin up at th light
th wrong way
down a four lane one way
after midnight
past th taxi rank
and ultra relaxed
i've never broken a bone on it
give me a ticket for ridin a fuckin girls bike
i'll insult you across th fuckin globe
i dont ride a girls bike council inspector cunt
big pig
'i cant breakway'
we'll see
surfers paradise only gets about one visit a year now
i used to play in th low tide surf there
every week
smokin drugs thru a carrot
whiel th girls dirty dance in front of me
in th street
in the fortitude valley
doesnt equal
gettin laid
in th doorway of a nightclub
in surfers paradise
while th bouncers just stood and watched
i'm sorry
i'm thinkin about my diary man
i been readin back and
yeah man
the buskers jam at dawn
in th fortitude valley was hot
but it died
we all went separate ways and it died
the buskers jam at dawn on a sunday was
th golden time
pj harvey
'the dancer'
th lesbians
dont walk their girlfriends on dogcollars anymore
and th trannies parade
once in a blue moon
stead of every friday night
th place has changed
th money came in
used to be
th valley was notorious for
u could get in anywhere
dressed as anything
the city invaded the red light district
and won
not one fuckin riot when
the man closed th club doors at 3 Am
stead of five Am
not fuckin one
this country's fucked
back in my time
we woulda thrown full stubbies at the police beat
thousands strong
fuck off ya cunts
i shake my head and recall
how much of a good time i had
at th bathurst bike riots in 85
'pride'(in the name of love)
even got on telly
doin donuts on a sidecar
"warmin up th crowd"
paints us all in
dust man
identify me now fucker
thousands of leather clad bikers
all lookin
pretty much th same
specially after midnight
teach you cunts for buildin a bigger police
prescence on th mountain
killed th easter bike races
one day
they make us wear a helmet
if ya stand up to pee
girls world
'lick my pussy'
on ya windows
'love me just leave me alone'
fuck off bitch i'm goin to th pub
you want me to call th maid ?
well she'
s got faster fingers than i have and
i've run out of batteries
will ya hurry up and get off bitch
i wanna go nightclubbin
the lesbian blues
"as sung by a trannie"
lesbian tranny
th straight girls seem to liek it though
when i sing it in th street
even th odd
lesbian couple
i seem to recall
a couple of young lovely ladies
and me
all tryin to teach emselves
how to unciycle and
we had a real good time
"more than once"
that pair stood out
was singin with kombi dude
it blew him away
the flying lizards
'i want money'(the best things in life are free)
i wasnt doin it for money
aaand he defended me more than most
noticed i was invisible
well at least to those two boys hey man
fucked bein psychic around white boys
alright if they dont classify emselves as
white boys
u dig it ?
dont answer that
i dont read comment
the verve
'come on'
just a storage medium for me
and someone might read it
you know
twisting heads
it's just my psychic blog
if they keep
all of newsnet
from whoa to go
it's a kind of
albeit a strange one
that first time ya write somethin
this thing is
i cant go back and change it and
any mistake i amke is
there for all time
i remeber
th first post i made to th internet
and how much
i was scared of it
just th
offchance of knowing
someone may read my words
i experimented and
watched th odd thousand or so
individuals follow my writing to a
www website
enough to make a few
ya cant count in newsnet
and most of em th readers are
i love it
pissed an ex wife cause
i could share with humanity
wot i couldnt share with her
am i better for it ?
th mouthy ones comment
for someone in th future to laugh at
if i lived to read your comments
would i be living for myself or for
make yr comments after i'm fuckin dead
you arent my parents and
i dint listen to them either
did you ?
the ferrets
'dont fall in love'
told ya both to get fucked and
five minutes later
dad shot ya in th head
it's just life
"and death"
one day
i wont be able to slide a unicycle
but that's not today
today i am
john mayer
'bigger than my body'
i guess
when th five hundredth person
called me a legend
to my face
in th street
in australia
where we avoid such displays
a local icon
just like
rock n roll george
by th way
i prefer
rock n roll paulo
the unicycle man
it's more
th wizard these days
i been around so long
sixpack abs
partyin till dawn
you know
i had to be married twice first
for five yrs both times
punishment enough for any man
i dont take em home now
keep my room bad enough i dont wanna
but they blow kisses at me
'love in motion'(with chrissie amphlett)
th thing is
ya gotta explore new territory
wommie wants to go to sydney
yeah wommie
i'm playin hard to get bitch but
you keep ringin and
you cant replace my voice
ya dont sing with
a hundred different buskers without
learnin a few tricks
after four years i could
sing a completely different song
in th background and
in harmony
twisting ppl's head's with th lyrics
my twin brother always
is th wildest thing there
maybe it's th
savages testicles
they ache
every day
when i had a pirate net connection
and was pirating songs
writin about it
while i did it and
was fuckin sweet
david byrne
'like humans do'(radio edit)
havin two girlfriends and
an online blog they could both read was
kinda interesting
can i tell that hot car tale yet black ?
he says still not enough water gone under th bridge
ah well
all th evidence is gone
some of my life i'm
ten yrs behind in th
writin in my diary
but it's all i leave behind
i'm past five million smiles
on ppl's dials
mr oizo
'flat beat'
oh yeah i used to know - first lyric
th thing about bein an entertainer
ya drop into a
small town and
th place cant do enough for ya
but a big place
yr just one of many
i'd do th tyalgum pub again with ya womble
he'll talk to ya again
i dunno about sydney
i'd rather go to melbourne
and only in th warmer months ok
born in th sub tropics
send me a message sayin yr workin on that song and
i'll reply
neil young
'the needle and the damage done'
wal wrote a song
womble coloured it
i sang it
we still havent jammed on it
but me and wommie did
like five different versions
i know wal's drummin
he'd just
lay it down
it's not th nightlife i miss
it's th muso's and
th music we made
ted mulry gang
'jump in my car'
not tonight
i know that
havin drunk six bourbons already
aint excuse enough for th eunicycle man
havin a bludge
but umm
been ridin heaps and
th spider veins are back out
i'm a whole two kilo's underweight
i'm eatin more
th surf is hard work
have to build up to it
it's only about four months since
i hit surfers paradise main beach
on my big unicycle
in th surf
th nephew
was arguin with me last weekend about it
'bump bump bump'(remix 4)
ok dude
u gave me this song
didnt bring a bicycle this weekend
two and half men weekends
last weekend
u rode my 26 unicycle
right round th cul de sac
me and yr brother both
said how far u'd come
i'll put u on
my 24 with th big tyre
this weekend and
see if that takes yr fancy
not fast enough for me anymore
just a spare in th back of th car
ya came back with
tales of th mad
24 inch unicycle they had
and th girls bikes ya looked at
do th girls drip for yr girls bike ?
simon and garfunkel
she wont shake yr confidence if
you pull up on one wheel
specially in th surf
th first time
three chicks bail ya up
to get a photo with ya
is pretty special i guess
just jaded
ya dont have to be famous
ya just have to be good
i still
take calls from th edge of th island
it's addictive
goin out and bein amazing
'beautiful way'
'track 12 with oonka chaka'
i'll go out and be amazing
when i fucking well pls
it'll blow you away - lyric
every friday night
it hits me liek a hammer
why arent i goin out
ridin my unicycle till dawn
th council's givin me th shits
th pigs are givin me th shits
th ppl are givin me th shits
everywhere i go
i see boring ppl
and th cunts are smiling at me
it's a worry
tenacious d
'cock pushups'
have i run enough red lights after midnight ?
is my midlife crisis over or
does it go forever ?
will i ever grow up ?
at least i dont have to ask a girlfriend
or a wife
if i can slip to my dealers for a coupel of bourbons
and buy a stick of dried green flowers
so i cant complain
no cunt listens anyway right
if yr alive when ya read this
and i'm dead
go and get fucked ok
hope ya have a pleasurable time
i did
i ejaculate
therefore i am
the land surfer
the verve
'neon wilderness'
someone else
2006-09-05 05:47:48 UTC
Post by JTM
Why are you posting this shit?
5 letters.

T - R - O - L - L
