Oh, No! It's the DEVOtional! Time Out for Fun - 2005
(too old to reply)
Reverend Beastly
2005-03-27 06:30:48 UTC
Oh, No! It's the DEVOtional! Time Out for Fun - 2005

It's that time of the year, spuds, and this is really coming together
nicely. We've almost got the money we need to bring in our guests. What
guests, you say? Well, we have David Kendrick (DEVO's second drummer)
and Chuck Statler (DEVO filmmaker) confirmed and eager to address a
crowd on their experiences with the band. Who knows what kind of goodies
they'll bring with them?

Next thing to address would be bands. We have The Spudboys and Freedom
From Choice confirmed. Freedom From Choice is a newly-formed group that
is going to cover the Freedom of Choice album, in its entirety, in
sequential order and the Spudboys will again deliver their own brand of
super-excellent DEVO songs. As a mini-act, we have a group known as The
No Counts. This will be their first and only performance, where they
will honor the memory of a departed friend and colleague with a special
tribute song. There very well may be one other act, one we have not seen
the likes of in some time, but we'll find out more about that later.

As for other nifty goings-on at the event, there will be door prizes
that every spud will appreciate. There will be one prize of the complete
Booji Boy's Basement audio collection (data files on DVD discs) and one
prize the complete Booji Boy's Basement DVD collection. It's possible
that there might be a second set of each for more prizes, and I'm sure
there will be more to be announced at the event itself. Of course, there
will also be some spiffy t-shirts made my Mr. Obsesso himself, Michael
Pilmer. In addition to that, we're going to be screening some rare DEVO
video. But, you've gotta trust me on this one, this is something that
every serious DEVO fan *will* flip their shit over, if you'll excuse my
language. There's no way you're going to want to miss this.

But wait, that's not all! We're not the only DEVO-related event
happening in the Akron area that weekend. In conjunction with the
DEVOtional, Mark Mothersbaugh's 'Beautiful Mutants' art exhibit will
open Friday, August 12, at the North Water Street Gallery in Kent, OH,
the night before the DEVOtional. It's only a hop away from Akron!

That's about all I can let out right now. Like I said, we still need
just a little bit of money before we can actually book the flights and
hotel rooms for our guests. If you can donate ANYTHING at all (even if
its only $5), please either make a PayPal donation or email me to make
other arrangements. This is so close to happening, I wouldn't want to
see it fall through when it doesn't have to. Also, here are the
specifics about each event:

Mark Mothersbaugh's 'Beautiful Mutatnts'
North Water Street Gallery
257 N. Water Street
Kent, OH
OPENING RECEPTION: Friday, August 12, 8pm
The show will be up through September 11, 2005

Oh, No! It's the DEVOtional! Time Out for Fun - 2005
The Lime Spider
207 S. Main St.
Akron, OH
Saturday, August 13, 1pm-whenever (tentative)

More to follow in the coming weeks.

Rev. Richard Skull
2005-03-27 20:00:54 UTC
Will their be a link on www.subgenius.com again?
Reverend Beastly
2005-03-27 20:06:36 UTC
Post by Rev. Richard Skull
Will their be a link on www.subgenius.com again?
Probably, once we get a site up about it. Right now, there's just a page
on the Basement. I forgot to mention, Stang is coming as well.

Rev. Richard Skull
2005-03-27 21:47:12 UTC
<<Probably, once we get a site up about it. Right now, there's just a
on the Basement. I forgot to mention, Stang is coming as well. >>

Thats pretty much a given now that he lives in that neck of the woods.
Rev. Richard Skull
2005-03-28 08:20:27 UTC
wretched worm that you are, and consider the brutes whose companion
you are."

What, then, will man become? Will he be equal to God or the brutes? What a
frightful difference! What, then, shall we be? Who does not see from all
this that man has gone astray, that he has fallen from his place, that he
anxiously seeks it, that he cannot find it again? And who shall then direct
him to it? The greatest men have failed.

432. Scepticism is true; for, after all, men before Jesus Christ did not
know where they were, nor whether they were great or small. And those who
have said the one or the other knew nothing about it and guessed without
reason and by chance. They also erred always in excluding the one or the

Quod ergo ignorantes, quaeritis, religio annuntiat vobis.64

433. After having understood the whole nature of man.--That a religion may
be true, it must have knowledge of our nature. It ought to know its
greatness and littleness, and the reason of both. What religion but the
Christian has known this?

434. The chief arguments of the sceptics--I pass over the lesser ones--are
that we have no certainty of the truth of these principles apart from faith
and revelation, except in so far as we naturally perceive them in ourselves.
Now this natural intuition is not a convincing proof of their truth; since,
having no certainty, apart from faith, whether man was created by a good
God, or by a wicked demon, or by chance, it is doubtful whether these
principles given to us are true, or false, or uncertain, according to our
origin. Again, no person is certain, apart from faith, whether he is awake
or sleeps, seeing that during sleep we believe that we are awake as firmly
as we do when we are awake; we believe that we see space, figure, and
motion; we are aware of the passage of time, we measure it; and in fact we
act as if we were awake. So that half of our life being passed in sleep, we
have on our own admission no idea of truth, whatever we may imagine. As all

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Reverend Beastly
2005-03-28 05:38:34 UTC
it is unpleasant to me. This is
a fault and a sign that I make for myself an idol of darkness, apart from
the order of God. Now only His order must be worshipped.

583. The feeble-minded are people who know the truth, but only affirm it so
far as consistent with their own interest. But, apart from that, they
renounce it.

584. The world exists for the exercise of mercy and judgement, not as if men
were placed in it out of the hands of God, but as hostile to God; and to
them He grants by grace sufficient light, that they may return to Him, if
they desire to seek and follow Him; and also that they may be punished, if
they refuse to seek or follow Him.

585. That God has willed to hide Himself.--If there were only one religion,
God would indeed be manifest. The same would be the case if there were no
martyrs but in our religion.

God being thus hidden, every religion which does not affirm that God is
hidden is not true; and every religion which does not give the reason of it
is not instructive. Our religion does all this: Vere tu es Deus

586. If there were no obscurity, man would not be sensible of his
corruption; if there were no light, man would not hope for a remedy. Thus,
it is not only fair, but advantageous to us, that God be partly hidden and
partly revealed; sinc

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Reverend Beastly
2005-03-28 05:37:28 UTC
crux.103 And so Saint Paul, who came with wisdom and signs, says that he has
come neither with wisdom nor with signs; for he came to convert. But those
who come only to convince can say that they come with wisdom and with signs.


589. On the fact that the Christian religion is not the only religion.--So
far is this from being a reason for believing that it is not the true one
that, on the contrary, it makes us see that it is so.

590. Men must be sincere in all religions; true heathens, true Jews, true

591. J. C.
Heathens | Mahomet
\ . . . . . . . . . . . . . /
Ignorance of God
592. The falseness of other religions.--They have no witnesses. Jews have.
God defies other religions to produce such signs: Isaiah 43:9; 44:8.

593. History of China.--I believe only the histories, whose witnesses got
themselves killed.

Which is the more credible of the two, Moses or China?

It is not a question of seeing this summarily. I tell you there is in it
something to blind, and something to enlighten.

By this one word I destroy all your reasoning. "But China obscures," say
you; and I answer, "China obscures, but there is clearness to be found; seek

Thus all that you say makes for one of the views and not at all against the

So this serves, and does no harm.

We must, then, see this in detail; we must put the papers on the table.

594. Against the history of China.--The historians of Mexico, the fiv

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Rev. Richard Skull
2005-03-28 07:38:14 UTC
it was infallibly good, and it was thought that it could be changed
without sin; and now, such as it is, we cannot wish it changed! It has
indeed been permitted to change the custom of not making priests without
such great circumspection that there were hardly any who were worthy; and it
is not allowed to complain of the custom which makes so many who are

886. Heretics.--Ezekiel. All the heathen, and also the Prophet, spoke evil
of Israel. But the Israelites were so far from having the right to say to
him, "You speak like the heathen," that he is most forcible upon this, that
the heathen say the same as he.

887. The Jansenists are like the heretics in the reformation of morality;
but you are like them in evil.

888. You are ignorant of the prophecies, if you do not know that all this
must happen; princes, prophets, Pope, and even the priests. And yet the
Church is to abide. By the grace of God we have not come to that. Woe to
these priests! But we hope that God will bestow His mercy upon us that we
shall not be of them.

Saint Peter, Epistle ii: false prophets in the past, the image of future

889.... So that if it is true, on the one hand, that some lax monks and some
corrupt casuists, who are not members of the hierarchy, are steeped in these
corruptions, it is, on the other hand, certain that the true pastors of the
Church, who are the true guardians of the Divine Word, have preserved it
unchangeably against the efforts of those who have attempted to destroy it.

And thus true believers have no pretext to follow that laxity, which is only
offered to them by the strange hands of these casuists, instead of the sound

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f-erenc szabo
2005-08-28 19:12:07 UTC
Post by Reverend Beastly
we have David Kendrick (DEVO's second drummer)
Don't forget Jim Mothersbaugh!

Jim, then Alan, then David, then Josh then David again.

I'm kinda sketchy about the lineup into the 90's.

