2006-06-03 06:21:18 UTC
Sooooo. Hi spuds. Any of you who've signed up for the Club Devo
membership know that the packet you receive includes a "Toil Is Stupid"
bumpersticker. Here's the lowdown link:
I only have 2 bumperstickers on my car, the "Toil Is Stupid" one and
another small one that says "Devo Was Right". It's not like I expect
anyone who sees the Toil Is Stupid sticker while I'm driving to
understand any meaning in terms of the Devo aestehetic. I would guess
that the average joe would think either "ha, that's funny", or "what a
lazy jackass." Either one is ok by me. Anyways, today I went over to
my dad's house to get his power washer, and we went over to my mom's
house to try to clean all the years of tree-sap gunk of her deck. Even
though I've had the Toil Is Stupid bumpersticker on my car for over 6
months, I guess dad never noticed it before, because he totally blew his
top about it. I mean, REALLY blew his top. He got all ranty about how
that must mean that I think working for a living is stupid and all the
people with jobs are morons (since I'm sorta...ahem...unemployed at the
moment...but in my defense I'm NOT mooching a dime off him or anyone
else!) and that someone was gonna see the bumpersticker while I'm
driving and get so pissed about it that they'll get a gun and shoot me.
He was super pissed off about it.
Geez. It's just a bumpersticker. Any spuds out there think that they'd
get a similar response from their non-Devo-fan family or friends or even
strangers if they put one of these Toil Is Stupid bumperstickers on
their car?
- JonYo
membership know that the packet you receive includes a "Toil Is Stupid"
bumpersticker. Here's the lowdown link:
I only have 2 bumperstickers on my car, the "Toil Is Stupid" one and
another small one that says "Devo Was Right". It's not like I expect
anyone who sees the Toil Is Stupid sticker while I'm driving to
understand any meaning in terms of the Devo aestehetic. I would guess
that the average joe would think either "ha, that's funny", or "what a
lazy jackass." Either one is ok by me. Anyways, today I went over to
my dad's house to get his power washer, and we went over to my mom's
house to try to clean all the years of tree-sap gunk of her deck. Even
though I've had the Toil Is Stupid bumpersticker on my car for over 6
months, I guess dad never noticed it before, because he totally blew his
top about it. I mean, REALLY blew his top. He got all ranty about how
that must mean that I think working for a living is stupid and all the
people with jobs are morons (since I'm sorta...ahem...unemployed at the
moment...but in my defense I'm NOT mooching a dime off him or anyone
else!) and that someone was gonna see the bumpersticker while I'm
driving and get so pissed about it that they'll get a gun and shoot me.
He was super pissed off about it.
Geez. It's just a bumpersticker. Any spuds out there think that they'd
get a similar response from their non-Devo-fan family or friends or even
strangers if they put one of these Toil Is Stupid bumperstickers on
their car?
- JonYo