Post by Gary ChildsPost by cenizaThere seems to be some connection between Devo and the Church of the
What's the deal?
They started up around the same time as Devo.
They share similar sensibilities.
Devo was friendly with them.
A Subgenius member worked on the "Love Without Anger" video (hence the
picture of Bob Dobbs in the video).
Mark Mothersbaugh is a member.
That "subgenius memeber" is no other then Ivan Stang!
Sacrid scribe of the Church of the Subgenius!
The man who took dictation from the very mouth of J.R. "Bob" Dobbs
They man who will take your $30 and mail you ordainment to you.
The man who also dircted the "Are U Experienced" Video.
He has just posted a revview of teh DeVotional this weekend.
And NO! "Bob" was not based upon Chi Chi Rodreguiz on the First Warner
May Pope Perro have mercy upon you!