Rev. Richard Skull
2005-12-30 20:16:23 UTC
I have consulted the Stars, check my Majic *-Ball, Consulted with the
Mystical Head of "Bob", and decide to publish MY Predictions for the
Year 2006!
Notice that Prediction I made for 2005 actually DID come true, but the
Conspiracy Media HID THE NEWS!
1) Thanks the a new Law re-defining "Sex-Crime", all Americans are now
Sex Offenders are are required to Register with the Police.
2) G. W. Bush gets a wedgie form God
3) Dick Cheney discovered sacrificning Human Babies in the Basement of
the Naval Observatory. Claims Liberal Media Bias.
4) First Genticly Engineered Human baby born. Deistroyed by Court Order
after its dicovered it DNA came form William Shanter, Jennifer Lopez,
and Ben Aflec.
5) New German Pope announced Church annexing Sudetenland
6) Pope Perro pees on New German Chancelar's Leg
7) "Bob", living in his secret secure location, orders out for Pizza.
Stiffs Driver on tip.
8) Dr. Dark hired to run a new 'worst movie ever" Night on HBO. Soon
becomes #1 hit. In an attempt to make more "Bad Movies", Holloywood
ends up making the 10 Greatest Movies Ever Made!
9) Stang, attacked by rabid Raccon while taking out the trash. Raccon
then glows red and disapperas like in the old "Invaders" TV SHow. Wie
puts band aid on Stang
10) After the recent find of "Large Oil Reserves" in Brazil. Bush
declares South American "Haven for Terror" and Invades. Combined Armies
of South America, Lead by "Bob" defeat US Forces.
11) Brush wood Raided by CIA, DEA, KGB, IRS, CYO, and FBI during X-Day.
All task force memeber fired after Photos of them Froppin' in Hot tub
posted on internet.
Mystical Head of "Bob", and decide to publish MY Predictions for the
Year 2006!
Notice that Prediction I made for 2005 actually DID come true, but the
Conspiracy Media HID THE NEWS!
1) Thanks the a new Law re-defining "Sex-Crime", all Americans are now
Sex Offenders are are required to Register with the Police.
2) G. W. Bush gets a wedgie form God
3) Dick Cheney discovered sacrificning Human Babies in the Basement of
the Naval Observatory. Claims Liberal Media Bias.
4) First Genticly Engineered Human baby born. Deistroyed by Court Order
after its dicovered it DNA came form William Shanter, Jennifer Lopez,
and Ben Aflec.
5) New German Pope announced Church annexing Sudetenland
6) Pope Perro pees on New German Chancelar's Leg
7) "Bob", living in his secret secure location, orders out for Pizza.
Stiffs Driver on tip.
8) Dr. Dark hired to run a new 'worst movie ever" Night on HBO. Soon
becomes #1 hit. In an attempt to make more "Bad Movies", Holloywood
ends up making the 10 Greatest Movies Ever Made!
9) Stang, attacked by rabid Raccon while taking out the trash. Raccon
then glows red and disapperas like in the old "Invaders" TV SHow. Wie
puts band aid on Stang
10) After the recent find of "Large Oil Reserves" in Brazil. Bush
declares South American "Haven for Terror" and Invades. Combined Armies
of South America, Lead by "Bob" defeat US Forces.
11) Brush wood Raided by CIA, DEA, KGB, IRS, CYO, and FBI during X-Day.
All task force memeber fired after Photos of them Froppin' in Hot tub
posted on internet.